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"Comedian" Trailer

00:37 / 01.09.02

This is so funny I had to share it. It's an ad for the upcoming documentary about Jerry Seinfeld, "Comedian" - but no footage from the film, or even Seinfeld himself, are in it. Have no idea how good the film is going to be but this trailer is genius. I've watched it a few times and laugh out loud each time...
13:23 / 03.09.02
I never expected him to look like that, but now that I see he does, it makes perfect sense for him to look like that.
13:25 / 03.09.02
I had this repeated to me so many times over dinner at Garlic and Shots about a fortnight ago that the very thought brings me out in hives, and I haven't even seen the damn thing yet.

Curse you, God, for making me this way...
21:27 / 05.09.02
"A Robot Renegade Cop....."

Jack Fear
02:21 / 06.09.02
Laugh? I thought I'd never start.

The concept is typical, though, of the dull "observational" style of Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up act. You can almost hear him whining, "And these movie trailers! What's up with that? Who is that guy?"

Well, that guy is not the schmuck you see in the booth there. He's this guy, baby—Don LAFontaine, the "Voice of God," Hollywood's #1 go-to voiceover guy. He's the real deal.

There's no pic on the IMDb, unfortunately, but I've seen him interviewed--he's 62 but looks younger, full head of light curly hair, stocky and fit with a killer tan: not quite leading-man material, but definitely in the TV news anchorman range.
Matthew Fluxington
02:55 / 06.09.02
You can see a picture of him here.

I didn't think the trailer was some sort of laugh riot, but I don't think it was unfunny either. It was cute. It was well within the spirit of the old Seinfeld show, it worked. It's a lot more clever than more film trailers, which are almost always abysmal.
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