I don't know if the official FAQ is currently in production, but recent problems in the Comics forum seem to indicate that a thread of this nature is in order. Here, then, are some general rules of thumb to link to when toes get trampled on:
1) When posting in a thread outside of Conversation, stay on topic. W/the exception of some of the fora under the Revolution banner, there is at least a little leeway given as to what constitutes on-topic-ness. Make the attempt to stick at least tangentially to the topic at hand and you will most likely be given the benefit of the doubt.
2) Before starting a new thread, make sure to do a search w/in the forum of your choice for a pre-existing thread pertaining to your topic. This cuts down on needless double threads. Double threads can be fused together, but only by Tom (i.e. the head cheese, the guy that runs the board, who puts a roof over our virtual heads). Let's try to cut down any unnecessary workload on his part, shall we?
2a) If your search comes up empty and you decide to start a new topic, remember: always fill in the summary field. The summary (as is stated on the screen that is displayed when one is starting a new topic) helps to keep the thread on topic. It is displayed whenever a poster replies to the thread. It also has some other strange and mysterious features that I'm not entirely clear on (and that, perhaps, Tom can enlighten us to in this thread). Regardless, Tom wants a summary in each thread. So make sure it's there.
3) If you have something to say to a poster, don't derail a thread to do so. Use the private messaging system. The message box is located at the upper left of the screen. Alternately, you can, w/in a thread, click on the member name of the poster w/whom you would like to have words and send a private message to them by clicking on the appropriate link (you'll know it when you see it) w/in that member's profile.
That's all I can think of right off the top of my head, but feel free to add items as you wish. And let's try not to be too politeness-Nazi about it, if we could. Just general rules that'll keep everyone in the Barbelith good book. |