I'd nominate Lurid, as he's as far from the mathematician stereotype as I can imagine - Ganesh
Short of posting borderline illegal personal pornographic photos, I'm not sure that there is much more you are really going to discover. That said, the idea of being grilled does appeal. Grill me! Grill me!
[Note to self: not every conversation revolves around sex.]
But back to the real world, Tom is clearly the obvious choice for a good grilling. So, questions...
I'm fairly new here and so, perhaps because I haven't paid attention or perhaps because I haven't tried to find out, I'm not entirely clear on the origins of the board. Regardless, I think it would be interesting to hear your take on its formation and your motivations through that process.
On a related note, how do you feel about the board's development? It is clear that you take a very hands off approach and I am sometimes left unsure as to what your opinions and views are. Does the board or do specific fora take directions that diverge from your aspirations? What do you want this place to be? |