my sucess rate is very low, and i doubt im at all qaulified to give advice. But. The more you practice in a short period of time, the easier it gets...i seem to have had best results in the morning, soon after waking up. M@d ass relaxation, not necesserily meditation, altough i supose it would probably help..my first OBE occured on a winters day, when i had the house to myself. i spent the entire day reading 3 of the preache books that had just arrived in the post and dozzing in front of a fire. if i hadnt had sucess on my first attempt, i would have probably of given up then and there. ive got a fan heater in my romm, and ive tried leaving that on while i relax, cos it makes you feel warm and sluggish.
as for techinique, ive tried a few, and what i use is a sort of mixture of various techiniques iv used and have *felt good*. theres loadsa sites with collections of techniques and advice, the woman at astralvoyage.com (anne?) seems to know what shes talking about...i think she runs a orum too but ive never been on it. spirit-online has a libary of submited techinniques. its got a forum that used to be quite active but last time i went on it, no-one had been on the astral projction forum for weeks.
good luck, for most of us astral prjection doesnt come too natrually and we really need to sort of become obsessed by it...oh yes, one thing ive noticed is that your ability seems to be ike a muscle, the moreyou practice, the stronger you become and he easier and quiker it is to preforman action, but if you stop practicing for a while your ability appears to revert back to is origional state. |