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BMore 28: Anti-Racism Activists Falsely Arrested & Charged

08:55 / 29.08.02
[... i'm new, & I posted this in an entirely inappropriate spot. all apologies. i've been online trying to drum up support for awhile and my brain is crispy. i deleted it and hopefully it will be gone soonishly. pleas don't flame me. thank you...]

Written by ere, one of the arrestees:

Support The Baltimore Anti-Racist 28!

On the morning of August 24, 2002, twenty-eight anti-racist activists went to the Baltimore Travel Plaza to protest the neo-nazi organization "The National Alliance." Some two hundred racists were gathering there to meet before caravanning to their march and rally in Washington, D.C. later that day. As the activists entered the parking lot of the Travel Plaza, it began to storm and the group was confronted by several police cars. The twenty-eight attempted to return to their cars when suddenly they were surrounded by dozens of police cars and wagons. Held in the pouring rain for nearly an hour, they were eventually cuffed and brought to the Southeast District police station. After hours of shivering on the floor of a conference room without being charged, they were transferred to Central Booking and held for almost twenty-four hours before receiving their papers. When they finally were allowed to see commissioners, some of the twenty-eight were released on their own recognizance while others received bail amounts upwards of $10,000. None of these twenty-eight activists had committed any crime, nor were they told what they were being charged with until after they had been interviewed. Bail was raised and all activists are now out of jail, but the legal battle is just beginning.

Later that night...

Baltimore police carried out a raid on a community center, the activists were using to coordinate jail solidarity, without a warrant. They confiscated pamphlets, magazines and other literature. Immediately afterward, police surrounded a progressive activist center and they attempted another warrant-less search. The activists inside refused to talk to police and instead called the media. The police left the scene when the media showed up. Police then followed and pulled over cars traveling to and from these locations without providing reasons for the stops. Several people were pulled over at gunpoint for trying to reach these safe spaces.

The Baltimore Police Department is going forward with their trumped up charges. Once again the police are protecting violent racists over the interests of our communities.

In addition to funds, the Baltimore Anti-Racist 28 are also in need of legal support. Any legal resources you can provide will be greatly appreciated and are desperately needed.

It is clear that the charges against the Baltimore Anti-Racist 28 and the harassment of the Baltimore Anti-Racist community are part of a larger attempt to silence the voices of committed activists. Due to the scale of media coverage and the various regions represented by the defendants, this case is important to everyone continent-wide who is opposed to racial and other nazi prejudices.

Accurate information on the charges and the police tactics and response to anti-racism must be disseminated. Corporate media accounts are based on the statements by the police and the National Alliance. Please spread the true message as far and wide as you can. Flyers, benefits, teach-ins, demonstrations, etc. are needed to assist the Anti-Racist 28 through their court cases.

The Results:

Twenty-six activists have each been charged with:

One count of rioting (unlimited penalty)
Three counts of second degree aggravated assault (punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a $2,500 fine)
One count of possession of a deadly weapon with intent to injure (punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a $1,000 fine)
One count of malicious destruction of property valued over $500 (punishable by up to 3 years in prison and/or a $2,500 fine)
One count of disorderly conduct (punishable by up to 60 days in prison and/or a $500 fine)

The twenty-seventh activist, a minor, received the same charges plus an additional 20 counts of Second Degree Aggravated Assault. The twenty-eighth activist, a representative of the National Lawyers Guild, was also arrested while he attempted to protect the rights of the activists. He was charged with one count of failing to obey an officer (punishable by up to 60 Days in prison and/or a $500 fine).

The National Alliance claimed to police that they were confronted by anti-fascists in the morning. If so, they had been there and left well before the twenty-eight had arrived. The police decided to round up anyone in the parking lot and are attempting to pin any real or imagined crimes the National Alliance racists complained of on these innocent activists. These anti-racist activists need your assistance as they are facing a combined total of about 1,177 years of jail time.

Please donate to the Baltimore Anti-Racist 28 Legal Defense Fund. Many thousands of dollars will be needed by these brave and dedicated activists to fight these bogus charges. Much thanks to all of the great people who sent money for bail, but the serious costs will begin now. Every little bit counts.

Please send legal support donations to:

Black Planet Books
1621 Fleet Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21231-2931 USA

Phone: 410.537.5005 E-Mail:

Personal checks or money orders should be made out to Black Planet Books. If sending cash, please conceal it well. Please note in envelope that your donation is for the Baltimore Anti-Racist 28 Legal Defense Fund.

In solidarity,
The Baltimore Anti-Racist 28 Defense Committee

Silence Is Approval!
Demand Justice Now!

*note: anyone who would like a flyer to support the BAR28 can contact Legal aid is desperately needed, and any little bit you could do to spread the word/support them would be greatly appreciated. The majority of the arrestees are nary over 18, some are college students & some are poor anarchopunk activists & some of them are good friends of mine. And, again, these were not the individuals who had attacked the National Alliance members & vandalized their bus.

But Tom Morello is on their side. Which... must... count for something.
09:45 / 29.08.02
Funnily enough, I read a thing in one of today's papers last night (bear with me... I read papers for a living, which is why I can't remember which of the UK nationals it was in, as I read them all)- it was a letter from a reader complaining about the Al-Mujahiroun (sp?) march in London this Sunday just gone... which said "if I held a rally claiming whites were superior, I bet I'd be shot down etc. etc." (my wording, but that's what it was saying)-

...while conveniently forgetting the fact that the BNP were allowed to hold just such a rally last week. And the Anti-Nazi League were forcibly kept away.

Having seen neo-Nazis attacked and injured (not hard enough to have actually done the injuring myself, unfortunately) at various demonstrations, I have to say good luck to these guys. It doesn't happen often enough for my liking. If I had any cash, I'd send 'em it.

As far as I can tell, btw, this IS the appropriate spot to post this. (Unless you originally posted it somewhere else and it was moved, of course. We're currently in the Switchboard, just in case this makes no sense later.)

And if they WEREN'T... then that sucks REALLY badly.

As I've said many times before, I hate violence. But I'm not a pacifist. I don't think it should be ruled out in all cases. Just as many as it can realistically be ruled out in.

(Oh, on a lighter, off-topic note, welcome aboard, Kitchen.)
18:23 / 29.08.02
Does anybody else think that the U.S. police force is getting a bit power crazed. I have read a disturbing ammount of posts on their wrong doings and have serious doubts about whether their there to protect people. Sorry if this is off topic but this sorta thing really makes me wonder.
00:11 / 30.08.02
I'm still getting used to the format here. I THINK I am replying to the right thing.
~crosses fingers~
Luckily, there has been a lot of support here in Baltimore & locals as well as people outside of MD have sent money, but the trial date is looming ominously close at Sept. 26th and folks are begining to get a bit uncomfortable.

The thing that struck me was how the local press ran away with the notion that the arrestees were a "rival gang of neo-Nazis"...

This is was the 5th rally in D.C. since November.

From the National Alliance website:
"In spiritually healthier times our ancestors took as theirs those parts of the world suited by climate and terrain to our race: in particular, all of Europe and the temperate zones of the Americas, not to mention Australia and the southern tip of Africa. This was our living area and our breeding area, and it must be so again. After the sickness of 'multiculturalism,' which is destroying America, Britain, and every other Aryan nation in which it is being promoted, has been swept away, we must again have a racially clean area of the earth for the further development of our people. We must have White schools, White residential neighborhoods and recreation areas, White workplaces, White farms and countryside. We must have no non-Whites in our living space, and we must have open space around us for expansion."

... four rallies from these fine, fine people, in our Nation's capital, post-9/11, which went relatively smoothly...
[as far as i know, no one was shot. bruised & battered a little, but that's it. however, when calling for the elimination of several races and, putting women 'in their proper place in the natural hierarchy,' and plotting to take over the land that's rightfully theirs, perhaps an eensy weensy cut + bruise isn't something worth whining to the 'spiritually corrupt' police about. but i digress.]

I'm a pacifist, and I'm wary of protests. Before I participate in anything, I ask myself: what's it going to acheive? are we going about it the correct way? is there anything that could be done without being physically/verbally aggressive? Shouting slogans & waving signs & telling people their opinion is wrong doesn't do much but fuel anger & cultural seperation & exasperate difficulties. I'm not good in confrontations, and I prefer 'intellectual warfare', if you will... trying to change things passive-agressively, doing it from the inside out.

Oh, and thanks for the friendly welcome. I think I'll like it here, once I figure everything out.
00:23 / 30.08.02
Hmmm. I'm apparently not replying right... BUT, this would be towards specofdust...

Law enforcement is more damage control & public relations than anything else, the way I see it-- they try to keep the police blotter in the weekly paper small, they try to give the appearance of Getting Their Man, and they don't want their city to end up with one of the highest crime rates in the country.

Of course, I'm not infering that All Cops Are Bad. The system just isn't so snazzy. You have a huge collective who ARE under public scrutiny and more concerned with Getting Things Done than Getting Things Done Right & Justly. You have good people, nice police commisioners in there, but on the whole... YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

[maybe not power crazy, just exhausted, with limited resources, under pressure to be efficient, and, well, with a rogue, lazy officer or a hundred in there.]
09:07 / 30.08.02
"racially clean area of the earth..."?
Protesting against these fuckers deserves a MEDAL, not a jail term.

As regards law enforcement... I think it's a global thing. "serving and protecting" seems to have been replaced in many cases by "controlling and beating". Right now, I believe there is still a need for law enforcement. Or rather, protection of the populace. (In an ideal world... the one I hope I'm trying to work towards, there won't be, but...) Unfortunately, I don't think "law enforcement" and "protection of the populace" mean the same thing anymore. Not sure where it all went wrong, but it quite clearly did, and horribly so.
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