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Bin Laden planned to bomb London

09:05 / 17.12.01,1501,619630,00.html
Naked Flame
09:05 / 17.12.01
Apparently he's also nuts.

Whaddya really think? Personally I think he's just nuts and a largish bunch of people bought his fantasy. Because he had the money and the influence to sell it to them.

quote: For bin Laden and company the reality of the modern world is a chaos where soccer, aircraft, skyscrapers, moonlight deserts and pilots converge. They reject it to build a new ontological structure, this time made of bits of modernity and antiquity, nature and artifice; magical realism and a fascination with gadgetry.

y'know, he's talking barbespeak here.
Naked Flame
09:05 / 17.12.01
oh, and he got away. Maybe.

For all we know he could be long dead and simply being kept imagistically alive for purposes of ontological repair of our heads.
rizla mission
13:01 / 17.12.01
That quote above even makes him sound kinda groovy..

..which doesn't quite gel with 'Militantly Asolutist Fundamentalist Religious Jihad Pursuing Terrorist Nut', but there you go.
Naked Flame
13:19 / 17.12.01
that was what i thought was weird about it.

I'm peturbed at the subtextual agenda in this piece, which seeks to define thoughtcrime and convict bin Laden of it... because after you remove the man the definition stands, and fits people like us quite neatly.
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