Vladimir J. Baptiste, Jr wrote at/on 18:54 24.08.2002:
"Just today I've been writing about the fallacy in Western thought being that we are far too much of a reactive people, with woefully little brain activity devoted to addressing the cause of effects. There IS a unified field theory to society. There are larger issues that need to be taken care of for a cascade effect to be apparent.
"At the same time, some of the best change you can make is to yourself. None of us want to think that there's anything wrong with the way in which we live and view the world, but there is, period. And in order for our actions to reflect the selfless aims of people who want the best for all, we have to BE those people. Not all of us will make it that far, including myself. We will have to become someone else entirely. You may have to sever all ties to those you know, discard what you have, utterly divorce yourself from what it is that defines who you are now to become who you must be if you're really going to pursue this. I don't know that I can. I don't know that I can't. Each comes with its heartbreaks. Each will make you happy in different ways, and neither is necessarily better than the other. You may be jailed. You may be killed. It will be a war so utterly inconceivable to the traditional definition of war, in that it will truly be a war to end war: international, class, racial, cultural. Like the Jews freed from Egypt, we might not be allowed to pass into the Promised Land, because we will have the memory of being slaves to the old way. Are you all right with the possibility that you will never get to see what you fight for, that the rest of your life might be nothing but struggle so that those who come after will know only peace and contentment? In the end, are you simply fucking about with this romantic image of rebellion and change, or are you willing to play the Death card? I don't have an answer to these questions yet. Do you?"
...from a related thread.
I too am quite unhappy with the state of the world as seen through television news. I can think of all sorts of changes that would help move us forward.
How can one help the world when one can't even find a spare hour or two...or in some cases even feed oneself?!? If one has to focus 90% of their time and energy to basic biosurvival, that doesn't leave much to push world-change. If one focuses on improving their own life, not only will they have more time and energy to devote toward making positive change, they also serve as an example to all those around.
Not only would I like to hear other folks techniques and progress, I'd also like to see those that have success work a little more actively in promoting the ideals we have here to the rest of the world (i.e. a respect for individualism with active debate aimed at making a better world).
While we have some great ideas here, if we don't have the individual power to make change it seems no better than a hamster in a round-wheeled-running-cage-thingee.
I will start the suggestions with this: KEEPING A DIARY/JOURNAL AND WRITING IN IT DAILY. By doing this I can identify those activities that don't push my life forward and eliminate them; I can also see what works and do it more often. For example, I moved away from those who monopolized my time and/or encouraged binge drinking...I stopped playing video games, watching TV all day, and/or masterbating. I realize this is a traditional magickal practice...which betrays my bias. None the less, I think the practice might prove useful to non-magickians.
Well, what do you (all) do to make you more powerful?
Those of you who have success: what are you doing to change the world?
Who's got something |