It is a quandry, ZoCher. I wouldn't advise the application of such quantitative inquiry as befits a study of double-scalpelled Z, to Q. It can only leave you in a quagmire of qualms. There is no good reason for Q, but she qualifies the dignity of 'quiet', the grace of 'quick', and the rascality of 'delinquent' -- just try spelling them any other way.
I can't quibble that there is something imperious and faintly abusive about the relationship between Q and her trusty sidekick. Q operates alone mostly in other languages, where she instills the ruqs of Qatar, the floes of Qaanaaq (a local name for Thule, and as fine a palandrome as one could require), or the person of Queequeg with an unquestionable mystery.
(Now I'm afraid I won't be able to stop thinking this way.) |