Persephone: The font for the P was called JSL Ancient. I got it of of one of those free font sites. The N was called Rickshaw. If you want to use the same PvN logo I can wmail you a blank card (photoshop file) with it on. PM me if you do.
Damn image hosting site. You reach a 5 meg daily transfer limit and your pics dont show up.
ARrrgh! (and not in the pirate sense of the word)
ANyone know of a site with no transfer limit?
Also if anyone wants in on the game mechanics pm me.
Looked good to me. Were those fonts for Windows? If so that's okay, I can look up Mac versions. I already have a font called Wonton --who thinks up these names??-- that will do for Rickshaw, which is what I'll be using mainly & you know what that means...
Thanks kegboy... endless hours of amusement ahead!
That's cool, even though you are a mere pirate. I don't think I can use a .psd file, though. I'll have to look at this when I get back to the shadows (that's were I live - in the shadows).
Kegboy, I'm gonna kill you *so* fast you probably will live some 40 years more without realizing you're dead. This is how much I love you, despite you being a pirate. Hsssss!
Jade: You disturb me and by disturb I mean cause to fall of my chair laughing. Do not be suprised when you are walking down the street and suddenly find your ninja ass being runover by a pirate ship. Do not try your to use your ninja skills for they will proove to be most ineffective agaist the glory that is pirate Kegboy and his ship the Bitter Dreg. Arrrr!!
Love the card much I may let you spend the rest of your existance as the figurehead on my shipfront.
These are soo damn funny!! Scary Hissing, Tom Clancy Plot Twists and Unsettling eyebrow..brilliant all of them!!! (Although the Unflappable syrup has me both confused and afraid to ask...)
Grey Area Those are soo damn fine and by fine I mean kick major (and minor) ninja ass.
I've got a few other cards done, I didnt call them boosters but I guess they could be called that...
I have a few others things going on befroe I post them though...
C'mon ninjas...fancy holograms can't match strategic superiority. If you think we're going to be distracted by silly
*ahem* Anyway, more boosters for your entertainment and intimidation.
No-Thumbs McCoy over at the desk will accept your unconditional surrender and assign you to a spot in the bilges. Pick up your shackles on the way down and don't forget the dress rehearsal for this evening's keelhauling is at three thirty on the forecastle. Bring extra clothes and your signed parental consent form. Arr.
They don't have the offical logo, they're not the right size, so they MUST be Cheap Taiwanese Bootlegs... but here you go. (Actually... a Cheap Taiwanese Bootleg booster card might help)
HOLY SHIT!! I happen to be checking out this page and just now noticed that E.R.D's card actually does that hologram thing. Thats bloody amazing!!!
Good job, good job!