They never outlawed the Patri Quebeqois (PQ) back in 1970, although they did enact martial law in Canada at 3am, dragging thousands of francophones out of bed and throwing them in jail. ETA has a longer record of violence and asassinations. The Front de Liberation de Quebec (FLQ) only managed to be around for a few years back in the 60s, and killed two people, I think.
It is similar in the effect of a federal government using a pretext to try and squash the seperatist movement through arresting any possible sympathisers. From reading the article, it just seems like this will raise their support, and support for sovereignty in general. After the whole FLQ scare was over, support for the PQ rose, and by 1976 they were forming the provincial government.
(I read a book on the one assassination the FLQ carried out, written by a member of the FLQ. He claims that they never killed the guy, and that it was a conspiracy by the federal government to discredit and destroy the seperatist movement.) |