Damn good question, Lionheart.
I hate to say I told you so. So I won't.
Fuckers, though.
Edit: found this in the discussion, allegedly lifted from the Washington Post:
quote: "Under the terms of the international biological weapons convention, small amounts of weapons-grade biological weapons can be produced in "types and quantities consistent with prophylactic, peaceful and protective purposes." No specific allowable quantities are spelled out. Among other things, the Army research seeks to find new ways to detect anthrax spores after a clandestine attack, to develop new ways of decontaminating spore-laden environments, and to test the efficacy of face masks and other protective equipment"
Sooo.... if you're the US govt., it's all perfectly legal. If you're not, you get put on the list of potential bombing candidates, I guess.
[ 17-12-2001: Message edited by: Flame On ] |