quote:Bin Laden: (...Inaudible...) we calculated in advance the number of casualties from the enemy,who would be killed based on the position of the tower. We calculated that the floors that
would be hit would be three or four floors. I was the most optimistic of them all.
(...Inaudible...) due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapse the area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only. This is all that we had hoped for.
UBL: The brothers, who conducted the operation, all they knew was that they have a
martyrdom operation and we asked each of them to go to America but they didn’t know
anything about the operation, not even one letter. But they were trained and we did not
reveal the operation to them until they are there and just before they boarded the planes.
Bin Laden: (...inaudible...) then he said: Those who were trained to fly didn’t know the others.One group of people did not know the other group. (...inaudible...)
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