Fearsome newspaper columnist who seems to veer wildly between left-wing opinions when she writes for right-wing papers like the mail and right-wing opinions when she writes for the Guardian. If you go to the www.guardian.co.uk website (sorry, too tired to foo right now) and look in the columsn you can see her work. She started off in the music press in the late seventies, along with Tony Parsons whom she briefly married and had a child with, before divorcing and running off to live with a woman in Brighton, whom she also then split up with some time later.
Now she spends her time writing novels, both fic and non-fic, and newspaper columns, but tends to shy away from anything where her voice might be heard, because she genuinely sounds like Elmo from the muppets if he had been raised in Norfolk. Supposedly part of the Groucho set, Liked by very few people, which I suspect is how she likes it.
I personally don't particularly care for her because I tend to suspect she doesn't have many genuine beliefs (except in her supreme role as the centre of everyone's universe) but merely swaps them like coats depending on who she's trying to annoy when she's writing a column. Although arguably this is what a writer should do. |