I've been convinced that this is what's gonna happen for a while now (I believe someone brought it up in a thread a while back as well, but don't remember what conclusion, if any, was reached.) I don't think it's gonna happen immediately- the "chasm" between the EU and the US over the Middle East isn't, I think, wide enough to chuck us into a new cold war just yet... but in the next decade or so, if Bush succeeds in his unspoken (well, apart from that "crusade" remark) goal of removing Islam as a threat, then I think it's a very real possibility. Which is why (no offence, Americans) I've recently changed my wavering stance on Europe and think we should join. I'd rather be mates with the big guy next door than the big guy down the road if those two guys are gonna start throwing stuff at each other.
The question thrown up by this, of course, is- what about China? There's been every reason for the US to go after them... the human rights violations Bush professes to care so much about... the illegal occupation of Tibet... oh yeah, that whole Communism thing too. BUT the difference between China and your average Islamic state, is that China could probably put up more of a fight.
In the event of a cold (or even, God forbid, a hot) war between the EU and the US, would China remain isolationist? Sit back and wait to pick up the pieces? Or pile on in?
I'm scaring myself now. I think I'll stop there. |