Well, it sounds like a hoot! There's nothing quite like feasting with old and new friends and then drinking and carrying on around a camp fire into the wee hours of the morning.
I unfortunately shan't be going but it sounds like it should be a goodun!
Does your group have a website or something to look at? I've been contemplating looking into re-enactment again, but the cliquey-ness and boring small scale politics of the scene I was in back in Oz makes me warey of getting involved again. Oh, that and the inherent large cost of maintaining the hobby of course.
I was originally doing Byzentine re-enactment with a group called The New Varangian Guard (950AD - 1250AD) and later switched to being a founding member for a group called Nordmannia who focused (surpisingly enough) on Norman history (specifically 911AD - 1204AD).
And as for no armour! During a battle I managed to get hit by a scythe tip which had snuck under my leather lamella corselet (sp?)(luckily I was wearing the regulation gambison) and that gave me a bruse and welt that took weeks to heal properly. Oh my lord - no armour??? You are very brave my friend! 
More info about what your group do would be very cool. Maybe you could start a new thread in the Coversation if you are up for it, I would love to hear about what you are up to, etc. |