Tom's right (well, obviously Tom's right... it's the architecture of his house we're discussing here...) about fluidity. Bear in mind that, as far as I can see, a lot of threads are moved, not because they were inappropriate where they started, but because the direction of the thread had changed into something that may fit more easily somewhere else.
The Chomsky one was difficult... as I recall, the initial post did have a request that people confine themselves to the actual FORM of the book, rather than the content... but with a subject as emotive as 9/11, and given the "interview" form of the book (it is, after all, all substance and little style), that was bound not to happen eventually (I count myself guilty of that too).
Of COURSE there'll be things that are borderline between fora- most of us share many of the same interests, after all.
Personally I tend to find the differentiation between fora more a thing to help us navigate the site, rather than a prescriptive be-all-and-end-all. If I think a topic I'm posting has dual relevance (if, indeed, I haven't just made up that phrase) then I'll post it in the one I think it would work best in. And if it doesn't, someone'll move it.
I guess as far as the philosophical aspect of books is concerned, it's gonna be a case-by-case thing. Discussing Nietzsche's style and bombast, for example, or his narrative about Zarathustra, is something I'd post in Books. If it came down to the rightness or otherwise of the Will to Power, I'd go Headshopping. And if (Godwin's law notwithstanding) it came down to Nietzsche and the far right, I'd bung it on the Switchboard. I could easily be wrong, though. |