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Robert Fisk Turns The Other Cheek

Not Here Still
20:29 / 08.12.01
Quite literally, it seems.

Robert Fisk- who has long been one of the sanest voices on the Middle East - was attacked by refugees when his car broke down in Pakistan.

And, speaking to the BBC, he comes up with a quote I'm not sure I would if I'd just been beaten up: "I don't want this to be seen as a Muslim mob attacking a Westerner for no reason. They had every reason to be angry - I've been an outspoken critic of the US actions myself. If I had been them, I would have attacked me."

Also related:
The risks of war reporting

'We Are The War Criminals Now' - sample Fisk piece
Naked Flame
22:01 / 08.12.01
You know, it strikes me that the West has lost more journalists than soldiers in this war.

someone please tell me I'm wrong.
autopilot disengaged
16:12 / 09.12.01
...depends on the definition of 'we'. i think the northern alliance have lost plenty - but there again, they're fighting a war. unlike the western soldiers who've mostly been dropping bombs from above the clouds or mincing around in areas that've already been made 'safe' (and what's more, consecrated with afghan blood, of whatever taliban/alliance/civilian variety).
Not Here Still
16:17 / 09.12.01
...depends on the definition of 'we'

Is that in respone to Fisk's 'We are the war criminals now' or Flame On's 'the West has lost more journalists than soldiers in this war?'
tom-karika nukes it from orbit
08:55 / 13.12.01
we = humans eg. less than hairy monkey things which walk on two legs and have strangely enlarged brain cavity and unusual larynx.
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