I've had a Big Idea. Because I've got to be up for work in four hours' time, I'm going to take a shortcut and present it to you in the form of discussion between myself and our very own Ellis:
Eek Randy says:
Barbelith Reviews
Eek Randy says:
Using Blogger, we set up a site devoted to album reviews
Mark says:
nice one
Eek Randy says:
We write the reviews as a unti, as a collective
Eek Randy says:
At the end of each review, there's a link to the board for people to discuss it
Mark says:
Mark says:
you could do that with music and comics too
Mark says:
or just intregate it into the zine
Eek Randy says:
The reviews site contains no counter-argument, that's reserved for individual blogs or the Underground
Eek Randy says:
Eek Randy says:
That's what I was thinking
Eek Randy says:
One site for each Spectacle forum
Mark says:
Mark says:
all good so far#
Eek Randy says:
It'd need an editorial team, but that team's powers would be limited to cleaning up spelling errors
Eek Randy says:
Opinions in reviews wouldn't be touched
Eek Randy says:
It'd start off with a few contributors, building up to whoever wanted to join in as the thing gained momentum
Eek Randy says:
Editorial tema also required so that we wouldn't end up with two or three reviews of the same release
Eek Randy says:
Damn. I've forgotten my other ideas
Eek Randy says:
I had all this planned out on my hour's walk home...
Mark says:
would you want barbelith.com/reviews
Eek Randy says:
How do you mean?
Eek Randy says:
Sorry, I'm suddenly a bit slow
Eek Randy says:
was so wired half an hour ago...
Mark says:
for the site
Mark says:
if it was linked to barbelith
Mark says:
would you want the barbelith web address?
Eek Randy says:
Yeah. You know how in personal blogs it puts the name and time at the bottom of each post?
Mark says:
Eek Randy says:
The Blogger code could easily be altered to include a link there with the words 'Discuss this review'
Eek Randy says:
Then, if anybody starts up a discussion thread, the link could be altered by editors so that it goes direct to the thread
Eek Randy says:
That what you mean?
Mark says:
Eek Randy says:
Eek Randy says:
How to put this into a thread and make it sound coherent, rather than the ramblings of a madman
Eek Randy says:
Eek Randy says:
It's my Big Idea!
Mark says:
write it all down in rought
Mark says:
and then edit when sober
Mark says:
and then post
Eek Randy says:
Good idea, but I'll prbably change my minds when sober
Eek Randy says:
I'm not even all that drunk
Mark says:
Eek Randy says:
Which is odd, seeing as I haven't drunk for about nine months
Mark says:
i plan to be in 10 minutes 
Like I say, I've got more ideas, but they've decided to hide themselves for the moment. I really think we could do this, though. Fuck, I really think we should do this. It's about time Barbelith started branching out a bit more. I'd love moriarty to bring his big Comic idea back to life, for example. There's so much untapped potential in this place.
I desperately need sleep. Apologies for the rather ramshackle way the idea's been presented. I'll try to expand on it after work tomorrow. |