The guy’s name is Peter.
For some time now, Peter has been increasingly unhappy – what’s the point in life if you have to live in a world without magic? When you’re a kid, you read comics and C.S. Lewis books and whatever, and part of you thinks *this is the way the world is!!* Then you grow up, and it gradually sinks in to your consciousness that No, the world is more like Eastenders.
Peter loves *Pokemon*. A part of him, very small and very weak, liked to fantasize about having his own personal, real pokemon. And another part, a part that he can barely admit to himself (never mind to anyone else! Jesus!), liked to imagine that it was possible that *his dream could come true*. But that part was on the verge of dying... Peter's melancholia had -- slowly and without any huge fuss -- become despair.
Then, a friend of Peter’s turned him on to *The Invisibles* -- there Peter learnt about Chaos Magic and all sorts of mad stuff – was this possible? Could it be true? Was the world like this after all?
After studying quantities of Carroll, Hine, Crowley, and some old grimoires that described methods of creating homunculi and familiars, Peter took the plunge. If it didn’t work, he decided, he’d kill himself. But maybe, just maybe, it was all *true*…
He connected a video camera to his laptop, and had the laptop display a live image of a space on the table -- this space was where the “familiar” would manifest. He then had his laptop overlay an animated image of his favourite pocket monster over the live image of the table. Next, Peter put on the headphones and played the chaos mantra he had prepared earlier. And finally, staring at the laptop image, Peter began to masturbate, so as to create the necessary “gnosis”…
Maybe…(Uhh – Mm – )
Just *maybe*… (Hh – Mmn – Oh God –)
It was all…(Godohgodoh – )
*true* |