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The "American Taliban"

Ethan Hawke
15:11 / 06.12.01
By now, I'm sure everyone's heard about the 20-year old American who was captured at Mazar-i-Sharif fighting with the Taliban. Apparently, he converted to Islam at 16, and journeyed to Afghanistan 6 months ago before joining the Taliban and being trained by Al Qaeda.

The question the media brings up is, should this guy be charged with treason to the United States, and tried by a military court as is sanctioned in such an event, and executed if found guilty? People seem to be avoiding this question.

Personally, I have no problem with labeling his actions treasonous. I have no problem with a military tribunal deciding his fate (in this case, mind you. I'm not for tribunals in general). I have no problem with him being executed if found guilty.

Thoughts? Comments?
15:24 / 06.12.01
But he'd gone over there prior to the US declaring the Taliban enemies. When we started bombing I doubt they said, "huh, I guess you should leave now."
15:25 / 06.12.01
Two thoughts

1) Trivially:-
In USA many converts to Islam are made in prison. This trend is starting to pick up in UK jails.

2) Seriously
If you accept the validity of the granfalloon called 'Nation State' you are absolutely right. If you think nation state is a silly trivial idea propagated by weak minded self serving ideologues you are wrong.

Sometimes I think both.
16:03 / 06.12.01
In USA many converts to Islam are made in prison. This trend is starting to pick up in UK jails. – Ian Jawbone

Did this fellow serve time at all before leaving the US? My boss and I watched some video thing on with a brief interview of the fellow and I don't recall him mentioning jail...(mind you he was wounded and in great pain at the time of being interviewed...)

Here's the link to CNN's video files. The one my boss & I saw is in the Dec 3 section – scroll down.

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Ierne ]
12:29 / 07.12.01
Ok I might be being Naive here but isn't he a Prisoner of War, he didn't take part in any attacks on US civilians he just fought in the front lines.

Do the US give a fuck about the geneva convention? Do they want a nice show trial, or is it secret military trial and execution.

Hmmm anyone know how the British who fought for the Nazi's were treated after the war, I think they were put on trial for Treason, but I dont think any were executed, just long jail sentences.
Kit-Cat Club
12:39 / 07.12.01
He's getting substantially different treatment from other non-Afghanis who fought for the Taliban, isn't he?
12:58 / 07.12.01
as kit kat points out the fact that this guy is still alive at this point shows that the Anti-taliban factions saw him primarily as a US citizen -

just for clarification - what are the laws for treason in the US it is my understanding that the anti teror legilation brought in over there did not allow for trial by military tribunal for US citizens.
Foxxy Feminist Fury
13:04 / 07.12.01
Unfortunately I'm quite busy at work today so not too much time to contribute a thoughtful argument, but I do wanna add this point real quick: the media fucking LOVE this guy. He looks completely crazy and bears more than a passing resemblance to Charlie Manson. Every picture I've seen of him makes him look incredibly sinister, and incredibly wacko. He's the new Timothy McVeigh.
Ethan Hawke
15:10 / 07.12.01
Information about a Possible Legal case

Proving "Treason"...

To answer part of your question sleaze, the issue of treason is not part of the anti-terror legislation recently past. It's in the constitution, which I believe already allows military tribunals in that case.
Kobol Strom
15:30 / 07.12.01
Seems like a very idealistic,if unlucky kind of guy to me.He picked the wrong side is all.Tough break considering one side is as bad as the other.
This kind of sensational CBS footage,leaves me cold.Give him a normal trial, otherwise its the same as treating the German Army as if they were all members of the Nazi Party.

[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: kobol strom ]
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