Hi folks,
I'm currently busting a gut trying to start an actual music career, having been a player for some 15 years and an engineer for the last few. I am managing to get my foot in a door here and a door there, but I'm hoping that your good selves and the six-degrees-of-separation magic of the informationsupernetway can take it all further. After all, I only have two feet.
So. I've been busy writing, freelancing in a couple of studios, learning new tricks, and generally having way too much fun with audio. I've just put a bunch of new mp3s up on my webspace and you are very welcome to download' em- it's all original self-penned material, cooked up in my home studio, KarmaFarm.
Here's the URL:
Bookmark it- there may be more in the future, if BT doesn't slam me for bandwidth abuse 
Working on my own like this is, I'll admit, kinda fun- it's a good buzz. But there's only so much one person can do in one room. People have been telling me I should do something with the tunes, and I've got around to thinking it's time to do so. The first step is sending these songs out to people I know will dig them (you!) but to go further than that, I want to ask for your help. I'm hoping that someone I know knows the person in the music industry who, if s/he hears this stuff, will reach for the phone with their ears on fire and say 'get me that hippy boy singer!' And I know that, coming from you, there's more of a chance they'll listen to it than if I just bung them a CD to sit in the pile of a thousand other CDs. Just forward them the link next time you talk- and with a bit of luck the music will do the rest, and I'll be buying you the biggest pint in the universe.
It's may be a million to one chance, but I'm told they come off nine times out of ten. Thanks in advance. |