More butch hugs to hand out. And a joke:
A bloke goes into a pub, and hears a voice shout, "Hey, you're looking very handsome today!"
He can't see anyone, and finds the barman and asks him what's going on.
"That'll be the peanuts," says the barman, "they're complimentary."
Crap joke, but they're often the best.
I was feeling horribly rough last week and people were very nice, so I'm paying it forward. If you really must go to work (though if I were you, I wouldn't bother...), set yourself on Automatic Pilot, and focus on Sax's remedy - Hob Nobs (can be very medicinal although I prefer instant mash myself, but I assume I'm in the minority here) and a bloody good film when you get home.
Have a good cry when you can as well. It's very healing. |