What was it that Winston Churchill said? The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter? So long as the U.S. can get by without any casualties inflicted by its enemies (friendly fire being another story entirely), popular support will remain strong for bombing whatever country Bush wants to bomb. Especially if it's somewhere like Iraq, which we've already proven we can beat in three days. And that was back when they had an army!
I wouldn't underestimate the International Community, though. I don't think the US would have much support, outside of the UK, for going into Iraq, given that the evidence tying Saddam to 9/11 is roundly viewed as much more tenuous than that connecting dear, fuzzy Osama bin Laden.
Another attack, say some ineffectual but terrifying detonation of a dirty nuclear device, which is one thing I've been hearing about a lot lately, would probably reduce the population even further into a mass of foaming isolationist insanity, happily acquiescing to national ID cards or, say, forehead tattoos, and the suspension of all sorts of those liberties which so confuse the pursuit of justice, like freedom of speech or the due process of law. Ah, dear old Constitution, we hardly knew ye!
But I suspect that there will be no such attack, and that the Justice Department will eventually reluctantly reveal that all this anthrax going 'round was manufactured by decidedly un-Islamic right wing nutcases.
So, I think eventually the war-tide will recede, but probably not until after W. has stomped a few more small countries. The sooner, the better--then we here in the US can go back to realizing he's a half-wit, a particularly slow dawn which was in progress when the terrorists attacked. As Papa Bush proved, you can look good while killing massive numbers of middle-Eastern folks and still be a one term president.
Of course, I'll probably have been tried by a military tribunal and stuck in some deep dark hole for sedition by that point.
Hm. Had no idea I was so upset about all this until just now. |