Nothing that I've seen suggests even the faintest possibility that the September 11th attacks might be the result of a massive upwelling of anger at a prolonged series of offhanded insults and snubs.
And has anyone learned anything? Is the US leaping to its feet and telling Sharon to back off? Is it, arse.
There's no sense of continuity, and the notion that America might actually have done anything wrong...ever...well, God forbid.
September 11th was evil. It was also ultimately unsurprising, and bombing Afghanistan and continuing to support Sharon in his wild exercise of hate and repression will just redouble the mess.
America is not a culture which accepts blame, or limits (environmental or political). The notion of finite resources of oil, ozone, or tolerance for American bullshit appears not to exist.
So when will your government get it? You want the security of being the Most Powerful Nation of Earth? That comes with obligations. Sorry. That's not negotiable, it's simply a fact. Cope. |