The waters are very muddy here... as Lentil says, "given the strength of his propaganda machine many citizens would probably not want revolution..."
In which case, if (and I admit I'm stretching your point here, Lentil, not putting words in your mouth) we managed to install democracy there, RIGHT NOW, and he was still "popular", then would we still have the right to complain? And, even more hypothetically, what if he (or any hypothetical dictator) won by a landslide in a fair and just vote? Then where would we stand?
Don't get me wrong... I dislike the man. I just think if we're (by "we" I mean the West in general, not any of "us" personally) gonna get caught up in the whole "regime change is necessary because he's evil", then we really should be examining our reasons for helping him out and/or turning a blind eye when he was being just as, if not more, evil. (The gassing of the Kurds, for example.)
I take Lyra's point, that it's still justice even if enacted by the corrupt (though I dislike the wording), but this whole thing does kind of smack of justification after the fact. It's kind of like if they'd never bothered arresting Peter Sutcliffe for murdering women, but had gone back later and done him for having a fake numberplate.
Of course, all this could easily become ancient history in (say) ten years' time, when we decide the guy we've replaced him with's a bastard as well...
I have no answers. But at least we all seem to be trying to show our working-out!
Just had to add this- sorry, got carried away... realise that's all horrendously off-topic. Personally, I think it's difficult to deny that distance does make idealism easier. You can see this in the relationships between your friends, you can see it at a national level, and of course you can see it at an international level. This is why the "why can't we all just get along?" plea, admirable and wonderful though it may be, is doomed to failure. It is well-nigh impossible to have any perspective from within a situation in which you are involved. Conversely (and this is the fucker) it's also kind of tricky to have the experience and the immediacy of one in which you're not. |