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New members, trolling and IP addresses

Tom Coates
20:30 / 10.08.02
Ok - First things first - the board is now open again for new members. They can enter as normal through the registration link at the top of the board. For reasons that should be clear to everyone, I'd rather not heavily promote this fact, just in case we start having trouble again...

In exchange for doing this, I'm going to set a few conditions for use of the board generally.

Can I ask people NOT to sign up multiple suits of any kind - I can (and will) be doing a track of IP addresses every so often and will be aware that the same computer is being used to run multiple identities. Anyone who uses a spare suit to troll the board will find any and all suits that are using the same IP address chucked off unceremoniously.

Finally - the 'war against trolling' has a new weapon at its disposal - the rather savage IP block. In extreme cases of misbehaviour from now on I will block the full IP range of the individual concerned from the board. What this means, essentially, is that no one who uses that ISP can register or login to the board at all. They can still read it, but they can't post at all. From that moment on I will give established users on that ISP a backdoor key to Barbelith - but it will mean, essentially, that no new people can join at all who access the site via that ISP. I will be absolutely merciless about this process - I'm nervous about opening up the board again and totally prepared to close it again if needs must.

The specifications for the new board WILL be finished soon, and at that point Cal will be building a new paradigm of the site which should make it all much more collaboratively run, easier to moderate effectively and harder to be a bloody pain in the arse around the place. So please bear with me...
21:49 / 10.08.02
Cool. I have a double suit, which is signed on at work and used to be Alki Pepoithos, and is now the Haus of something or other blah blah fishcakes. How should we go about killing it?
Tom Coates
00:06 / 11.08.02
Don't worry about old suits you've got - they're not worth the effort.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
23:47 / 14.08.02
Umm my girlfriend wants to use the board but she'd be using the same two IPs as I use, her house and my house would this pose a problem?
Matthew Fluxington
02:36 / 15.08.02
Tom, I know that she's been trying to contact you about it, but you should be aware that Suds is locked out and very frustrated about it. If you can help her out, that'd be really cool.
Tom Coates
08:25 / 15.08.02
Suds should now have full access again, which is nice. Sorry about that - I don't know that I got an e-mail and if I did I seem to have lost it - I get a LOT of e-mail (mostly spam). Fenris - absolutely not - I keep track of this stuff but I'm not going to be a nazi about it if there's a reasonable explanation...
09:53 / 15.08.02
I tried introducing a friend a couple of weeks ago... unfortunately, this was right before reading the "Closing Barbelith" thread. Apparently (so he told me last night) he's registered again, yesterday, but hasn't heard back (unless you know different by now of course). When I first tried introducing him, he wanted to be "beakerone" or some such spelling.
So... what I'm asking is, I think he's on "supanet" (again, sp?)... is this a freemail thing and are they barred, as was previously suggested (I honestly know that little about computers), or is this a case of lost mail or whatever?

There may be another "stoatie" suit out there, but it would have been registered in about July or August of last year, so I assume would have been purged. (I think I may have registered twice... once when I first got my computer and just joined everything willy-nilly, and once when I decided this was the place for me but couldn't remember whether I was registered or not... or what my password would have been.) If there IS in fact another stoatie suit in there, you have my blessing to kill it. Humanely, of course. And don't eat it afterwards.
jUne, a sunshiny month
07:00 / 13.09.02
>Can I ask people NOT to sign up multiple suits of any
>kind - I can (and will) be doing a track of IP addresses
>every so often and will be aware that the same computer
>is being used to run multiple identities

is it possible to delete my many, many multiples other suits that i went through during my "heck, where's this login password, shit ?" time?
now, i'm a nice person and use only one. are the others using space somewhere, or something ?
jUne, a sunshiny month
07:01 / 13.09.02
do you want me to give you the names i used to use ?
Wrecks City-Zen
20:12 / 13.09.02
is it possible to delete my many, many multiples other suits that i went through during my "heck, where's this login password, shit ?" time?
now, i'm a nice person and use only one. are the others using space somewhere, or something ?

And I thought I was the only one...
22:42 / 13.09.02
New Barbelith user "Boo" and I may be on the same IP address from time to time, as Boo is my fiance.
Spatula Clarke
01:36 / 14.09.02
June> I think the thing to do is to post with the suits you want deleting, just to prove that they are actually yours. Otherwise I could ask Tom to delete, say, my Haus suit.
15:23 / 14.09.02
I'm Haus, and so's my wife!

-Just a wee note to say that I should be accessing on a regular basis from now on - please don't burn my suit.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:37 / 15.09.02
Jeez, Rex. Did it not occur to you to use the 'forgot your password' button?
08:06 / 16.09.02
E.R D : so here's the only one "other" ID i can log in.
i didn't post with it for weeks, as i was using this or that instead of using the same one all the time... call me stupid.
now, can i have my last cigarette ?
08:09 / 16.09.02
and while you assassins out there are on your way, there's also this "juUune" alias that i don't get the password anymore... damc pc... anyway.
so if you want, you can delete these 2 suits, and leavin me my JunejUnejuNejunE one.
jUne, a sunshiny month
08:12 / 16.09.02
staying alive... staying alive...
aahh- aahh- aahh- aahh-
staying alliiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvveee...
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:46 / 16.09.02
June - post the IDs you want destroyed in the 'burn this suit' thread, but don't expect them to vanish over night.
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