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artistic responses to 9/11

autopilot disengaged
20:05 / 29.11.01
ok: i'll start it off highbrow with the Poet Laureate's offering (though i can't say i like it especially):

The Voices Live, by Andrew Motion

The voices live which are the voices lost:
we hear them and we answer, or we try
but words are nervous when we need them most
and shutter, stop, or dully slide away

so everything they mean to summon up
is always just too far, just out of reach,
unless our memories give time the slip
and learn the lesson that heart-wisdoms teach

of how in grief we find a way to keep
the dead beside us as our time goes on -
invisible and silent but the deep
foundation of ourselves, our cornerstone.

so...who else? any other rapid response stuff out there? (obviously, McCartney's 'Freedom', but i can't bring myself to post up those lyrics...)
autopilot disengaged
20:58 / 29.11.01
fuck it:

quote:This is my right
A right given by God
To live a free life
To live in freedom

Talkin' about freedom
I'm talkin' 'bout freedom
I will fight
For the right
To live in freedom

Anyone tries to take it away
They'll have to answer
'Cause this is my right

I'm talkin' about freedom
Talkin' 'bout freedom
I will fight
For the right
To live in freedom

I'm talkin' 'bout freedom
I'm talkin' 'bout freedom
I will fight
For the right
To live in freedom

Everybody talkin' 'bout freedom
We're talkin' 'bout freedom
We will fight
For the right
To live in freedom

I'm talkin' 'bout freedom
Talkin' 'bout freedom
I will fight
For the right
To live in freedom

I'm talkin' 'bout freedom
I'm talkin' 'bout freedom
We will fight
For the right
To live in freedom

ew. there are ten words in the song, and they're all completely fascist. still, it'll look good stencilled on the side of a daisy cutter...
09:49 / 30.11.01
I fucking hate that song. It's appalling. Appalling. Yes, yes, it's in a good cause, but, you could still write a fucking decent song, because that's just plain embarassing.
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
09:49 / 30.11.01
quote:Originally posted by autopilot disengaged:
ew. there are ten words in the song, and they're all completely fascist. still, it'll look good stencilled on the side of a daisy cutter...

I personally don't have a problem with the words 'I'm' or 'Talking'. I'm very dissapointed in Paul. Worst thing he's done since 'Mull of Kintyre', at the very least. Still, Id rather see this on the side of weaponry than 'Hijack this, fags!'.
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
09:49 / 30.11.01
Oh- how many of you have seen the South park episode 'Osama bin Laden has farty pants'? (I downloaded it off the net, its out there...). Although it was quite funny, especially compared to the rest of this series, some of it, like the portrayal of OBL, seemed... at least closer to being racist than I would have liked. And although I don't exactly watch South Park for it's cutting commentry on modern geo-politics, it did seem to understate the role of past American foreign policy in causing these problems.
Oh, but I did like the retro-WW2 bugs-bunny pastiche...
10:04 / 30.11.01
Thing is...It's South Park, y'know? Of course they're gonna go for the lowest-common-denominator laugh they can get out of OBL...

'Freedom', I agree, is appalling. It just sucks. I could write reams and reams of type about why, but the best point I can make about the whole 'musical responses' theme is that Paul Mcartney has wound up being outdone (though not by very much, admittedly) by Fred Durst, f'f'cksake. The horror, the horror...

And Motion is just boring. Boring, boring, boring.

How have any of the artistic 'lithers responded to the events - that's what I want to know?
autopilot disengaged
10:30 / 30.11.01
i'm writing a play called THE3RDPERSON - excerpts over at my homepage...

edited to make it quite clear i don't, and will never have a 'hoepage'. unless it's set up by unofficial, y'know - admirers...

[ 30-11-2001: Message edited by: autopilot disengaged ]
Kit-Cat Club
10:43 / 30.11.01
As for Motion's thing: I'm sorry, but heart-wisdoms?
11:27 / 30.11.01
I think he's trying to pull off a kenning, an old Norse poetry trick where you describe something by making a compound word from two words associated with it. 'Wrist-strainer', for example, would be a good kenning for 'Andrew Motion'.
Kit-Cat Club
11:35 / 30.11.01
Hah, precisely.

It wasn't the compound word per se that I had a problem with - I was just disgusted by 'heart-wisdoms'. I mean - purlease.
11:49 / 30.11.01
It is an arse-emitted phrase, indeed.
Not Here Still
15:28 / 30.11.01
American Institute of Graphc Art - responses to September 11

I'm crap at linking pictures, but the above is a whole gallery of pictures artists came up with in response to the attacks.

Does a cartoon count as an artistic response to you?

Because it does to me, and Steve Bell has been consistently brilliant.

This cartoon, while disturbing, said something which needed to be said about the bombing of Afghanistan.
09:34 / 01.12.01
Andrew Motion... hmmm, for some reason I always found his surname stunningly apposite... kind of like "The Paul Weller Movement"...
if cartoons (in the general) and Steve Bell (in the particular) count, then today's Guardian (for some reason I'm having trouble with links right now) is a damn good one... "We want you to come out blown to pieces and with your hands tied behind your backs"... Bell's become so vitriolic recently, and he's also doing some of his best stuff EVER...
I guess that's one of the few things you can say in favour of unconscionable situations... they bring out the best in satirists.
The Packard Goose
20:24 / 03.12.01
I think calling it "artistic" probably stretches the connotations of that word a bit thin, but some friends and I did this:

The Citizen's Voice
Dominic Fox
05:27 / 12.12.01
I have been working on a poem sequence called "Noble Mice" for the past few months; the first section below was written pre-9/11, the next two sections after it.

From early promise, barrenness. From vaunting,
vaulting ambition, sprains in both groin and wrist.
To what conceit should we now turn our hand?
Between self-shielding obscurity and exactitude
striking the carapace, the angle of incidence
is equal to the angle of reflection. Nearly.
In hiding, withholding, you show some grasp at least
of the matter, be it with yourself. Suggest
proliferation as the collective noun
for counter-measures. Load up on kryptonite.
Maybe we can turn this thing around
in mid-air, give it - I dunno - a virus
or something. Rotate the frequencies. Anthrax-tipped
warheads no match for eggheads. You bet your ass.

* * *

Our agents have depleted self-esteem,
pass unchecked through osmotic boundaries;
are even now at work in schools and dairies.
Revise contingency; brush up on contagion,
small god of casual sex whose name is legion.
Exchange immunities, lest worm of worm
run rings around the commune. In the warm
of reciprocity share recipes
for violent tortes, exploding canapes.
Each mutant strain of love extends the en-
tity drawn fibrously across an N-
dimensional continuum as sponge,
as coral, as the arbitrary angel
folding, unfolding, his wings into space-time.

* * *

Aufklarungkrieg, enlightenment's discharge
into the folds of wickedness, seeks plush-
lipped puppet-scapegoat for possible climax; packs
a payload of some magnitude, as witness
these curtly lopped and cauterised daisy-heads.
Obliterated, yes. Verklarte? Nicht.
Illumination please. Our leader's brain -
has it known lightening-flashes, not unlike
those routed through condemned half-imbeciles
in Alabama, say? Flesh scorched to earth
will rise again from clay to model justice
perhaps, but not in this life. In our time
officious maggots oozing rationales
for torture feed among the city's dead.

(note: Aufklarung is enlightenment (also, in a military sense, reconnaissance); Aufklarungkrieg is enlightenment-war as Blitzkrieg is lightning-war - an obscure trans-lingual pun. Verklarte Nacht - "Transfigured Night" - is the name of a piece of music by Arnold Schoenberg, based on a poem the name of whose author escapes me.)

- dom
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