I recently noticed that the music stealing programs can be used to search for books in two different formats.
A search for "e-book" returns with:
Top Secret Recipes
3D Studio Max User's Guide
The Goblet of Fire
Linux C++ Programing
Animal Farm
Learn to Play Guitar
These come with about two-hundred entries that I am not going to mention, for fear of a Hausmocking. 
A search for "audio book" gives slightly better results:
MCSE Windows 2000
The Art of War
The Raven
Learn Spanish In Your Car
Short Stories of Mark Twain
Like the e-books, the audio books come with some material of questionable value, which will not be mentioned.
Kazaa also seems to do a decent job of getting lectures and interviews. For example, a search for "Chomsky" returns with a fair amount of entries. He's not exactly my favorite speaker, but I figured I'd mention him since a lot of people here like him.
So, what do you know about the internet that may not be common knowledge?
Or, were you wondering about something in particular? For example, I know there is a website that gives sound files for word pronunciations for those of us too lazy to go through the key located at dictionary.com. However, I have absolutely no idea what the address is. Can anyone help? |