Saw this yesterday and thought there might be interest. I think it's a fantastic idea, since it's exactly the sort of information I like to collect - little things that are conveniently forgotten when the time comes but can change your view of a situation completely.
The Memory Hole
From the "about" section:
"The Memory Hole exists to preserve and spread material that is in danger of being lost, is hard to find, or is not widely known. This includes:
• Government files
• Corporate memos
• Court documents (incl. lawsuits and transcripts)
• Police reports and eyewitness statements
• Congressional testimony
• Reports (governmental and non-governmental)
• Maps, patents, Web pages
• Photographs, video, and sound recordings
• News articles
• Books (and portions of books)
"The emphasis is on material that exposes things that we're not supposed to know (or that we're supposed to forget)." |