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Contacting MPs in the UK

Naked Flame
11:18 / 07.08.02
hey all, this may be old news now but the house of commons have redesigned their website at long last. They have a searchable directory of MPs with web-based email straight from the site (and if you ever tried to use the old site to find your MPs address, you know what a pain in the arse it used to be.)

So, now it's even easier to hassle them. Hurrah!
Tom Coates
12:02 / 07.08.02
It should be pointed out that MPs are continually complaining about the amount of e-mail they receive and that one of the successes of the internet age has - ironically - been which sends something on paper to their offices...
12:40 / 07.08.02
Does anyone here actually go to their MP's surgeries? I got a good response from Diane Abbot when I faxed her, but I also went to meet her face to face once. It seemed to yield results; it was regarding cross borough funding for a friend's mental health treatment, and as far as I know, she wrote the letter I asked her for.

[all new capital letters for Tom's benefit!]
Naked Flame
08:55 / 09.08.02
Well, the web-form seems to have replaced actual emails on the site, so at least they shouldn't be getting quite so much spam.

Sod 'em if they complain. You mean- people might actually have stuff they wanna say? and will be more vocal if their MP is more readily contactable? Shock! This is, surely, one of the things we pay taxes for. IIRC, they're legally obliged to respond to paper correspondance but are not required to do so for emails. I usually don't need a response, but I have a stack of very belated and perfunctory letters sitting at home that- however trivial- still took time and money to produce and send to me. Surely, email is better in this regard.

Plus, fewer dead trees this way.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:45 / 09.08.02
SFD- I must admit I prefer to even though my MPs surgery is about 30 seconds away from where I work, purely so I can organise my thoughts better and so he can't fool me with any of that darned booklearnin' talk.
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