Back in the day, when I was still in high school (about twelve years ago now), some of the people who hung around at the nines (the nine hundred wing of the high school I attended where all the freaks and misfits hung out) and also some of the people involved in the "scene" in my hometown would refer to me (the not often to my face) as "Pirate Boy."
At the time, I wasn't so fond of this little nick name, but in retrospect it really makes me laugh. I would wear really high black riding boots with my pant legs tucked in and large hoop earrings. I had a long black coat, and would often be dressed in black shirt and pants as well. I also had this really large red silky bandanna which I would wear on me noggin'. It was so large that when I had it all tied in place it would have long flowing ends that went half way down my back (about the same length as my hair at the time). Anyway, because of this outfit I was secretly and at times not so secretly referred to as Pirate Boy.
So one day around this time in my life I am standing in a little convenience store waiting in line to buy some smokes and what not and there is this small kid (probably about eight) with his mother. Anyway, this kid looks me up and down and then turns to his mother, "Look Mommy, a pirate." I guess the nick name was well justified. Really makes me laugh—though not at the time!

(and if you think I am still dressing like that, then you are ten times crazier then I was then!) |