I love my hair. It's thick and naturally a chesnut brown with a golder streak in the front, but I've added some red to turn it a slightly bloody auburn, since I'm told I have a red-headed personality, and am pasty enough to pull it off and have it look relatively natural. It's cut kind of short at the moment, though it's grown out a bit- longer in front, following the line of my jaw about an inch lower, and shorter in back. My hair falls in something called a 'triple crown-' instead of having a line as my natural part, my hair parts in a Y, and part of that Y falls directly in front of my face, so I'm always looking through it at people. This, bluntly, makes me feel quite sexy, as does sulkily blowing little strands of it out of my face. It's almost masturbatory, I can lounge and just smell my own hair for ages after I've been out in the sunshine and fresh air, especially in the fall. So, to summarize, thick, dark red, unruly, and it smells good. : ) |