Boy in the suitcase will be there plugging a comic which features his work and that of a fair few other barbelith peeps. check it out.
Details (cross-posted from boy in a suitcase's plucky duck comix thread in the creation)
Hello all
Plucky Duck Comics #1 comes out tomorrow night. I printed 1,000 copies, 32 pages each. For this I had to front $450 of my own funds.
Like I said, I got too much great content to publish, but it will all see the light of day at some point–believe me, I'm going to be publishing this thing until the end of time just to make my money back. Here is the final lineup of what got published, though:
Cover: Image of a sunset downloaded from google-dot-fucking-com. Because I never got a cover from the person who was going to make me one. The comic went through two hours of being retitled "SHIT BEACH COMICS" in honor of an incident last Thursday involving me, Brian Heater, John Garmon and a sewage drain tunnel in Davenport. Don't take that the wrong way.
–"A Day at the Races" by Jason Louv.
–"Top Hat & Tails in: 'Horny Peril'" by Stephen Grasso
–"Ixnay on the Hip Sway" by Ben Bush
–"Late Night Queueing" by Nelson Evergreen & Rob Cave
–"Eleggua" by Alex Hernandez & Nico Bovoso
–"Bored" by John Cei Douglas
It's going to San Diego in four days. Thank you to all who contributed to & supported this mad project of mine (or just put up with my emails!) See you all in October for issue #2.
Also, since I had to spend so much money I don't have the funds to mail out contributor's copies. I know this is shitty, but I just about bankrupted myself here. Hopefully the situation will be different in the future. But I will mail out contributor's copies (or just any old copies) for US$6 per copy + $2 per extra copy for international mail (that's about what it costs for international mail when I put backing boards in). $3 +$1 each extra for in-the-US-mail. Email me @ jlouv@cats.ucsc.edu for an address if you'd like to mail a check. |