My POV, for what it's worth. I loathe the way the US has twisted reality in order to achieve an eye for an eye.
First, bin Laden (presumably, have they released any evidence yet?) kills a whole bunch of people. Which is a Bad Thing no matter what your view on the US' foreign policy. A whole bunch of people want the person responsible caught and tried, which is fine. When the prime suspect is tracked down to Afghanistan, the Taliban (known Bad People) will not (cannot?) extradite.
The US then decides that this is justification enough to send in troops (which it is not. As far as i know, extradition is not a legal duty, certainly not to a country with the death penalty. And it sure as hell isn't an act of war). through the convenient, not to mention emotionally loaded, concept of "war on terrorism" (as if) they manage to twist it into a war on the Taliban.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad the Taliban are being driven out of power. But we're employing a lesser evil to defeat a greater one, and if we're not brutally honest about it we will forget this. We are removing the government of a country because we do not like the way they behave, and because they stand between us and a suspected criminal.
To compound matter, this "home of the brave" then gets other people to fight it's war in it's stead (again), taking only the smallest risks.
And where do we go from here? Looks like we've replaced one opressive regime with one that's not much better (and having done all the fighting, the NA will want the lions share of power, no doubt about that). After, what, 20 years of fighting people, there's not going to many nice balanced liberal people around, never mind in any kind of position to govern. Which means we will have a duty to step in again, if need be. i just hope we remember that.
As for what remains of the Taliban, we will have to find as many of them as we can, and neutralise them one way or another. Euphemistically, if necessary. The last thing we want is another situation like what's left of Yugoslavia, two halves hating each others guts, and just waiting for the UN to give up before picking up where they left off.
Christ, what a mess. |