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Scariest monsters? Nah.

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
19:32 / 17.07.02
If this needs to be moved to the movie forum, go for it. I personally think it's a stupid enough debate to be here in the Conversation. But I am not a moderator, so whatever you guys think.

I saw an ad for the new movie Reign of Fire (the dragon movie), and it had a blurb that read "The scariest monsters to come to the screen since Jurassic Park!". But the movie Eight Legged Freaks (giant mutant spiders and David Arquette) just came out as well, so I don't think they Reign of Fire people can still make that claim.

Think about it. You're walking around your city, feeling good, thinking of giving someone a call, when you spot a dragon. There's going to be some awe, and you're going to think to yourself "what's it doing here? How is it here? Why is it here?". At least, that's what would be running through my head, and only when it had spotted me and begun to breath fire would I start getting scared. But if I ever came across a seven foot spider, I wouldn't bother sticking around to ask any questions, because there's no way giant spiders are Good News. I'm sure people would try to tell me what was actually going on, but I'd never hear them because I'd be running away, and sound can only go so fast.

And while we're in the middle of this Ninja's v.s. Pirates, who would you rather have on your side against giant spiders? Against fire breathing dragons?

Giant Spiders: While I can see the comical effect of a really drunk pirate punching a spider in the eye for spilling his beer, I'd have to go with ninjas on this one. Fast little guys, and like spiders, there seems to be no end to them. And also like spiders, they can jump really far, which I'm sure would come in handy.

Fire breathing dragons: One thing fantasy books have taught me is that trying to outsmart a dragon is risky buisness, and that's the route the ninjas would go. So one might as well join the pirates, get smashed and try to beat it to death (or shoot it with a cannon, or board it and try to sink it). Both ninjas and pirates would lose badly, but the pirates would have more fun losing. And maybe the dragon would eat the wrong pirate and get syphilis or something.
Spatula Clarke
19:35 / 17.07.02
Dragons? Spiders? Pshaw. Now, invisible monsters, the ones that you can hear but are always out of sight, or maybe on the periphery of your vision, are another matter entirely.

It's always the one you don't see that gits you.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
19:45 / 17.07.02
Fine by me. Better than seeing the underbelly of a giant tarantula before it injects it's poison into you and digests you while you still live. Invisible monsters? Bah. That's the easy way to go.
22:08 / 17.07.02
I'd go with Spiders, they're just creepy. Small ones I can cope with but big fuck-off death tarantulas, now your talking. And these are as big as small car, definately brown trouser time as I run screaming.
Dragons on the other hand are cool, specially if they're voiced by Sean Connery. So I'd probably be still staring and thinking things like 'Wow its a huge Dragon, flying no less, damm that looks cool, how does it do that?' as it descended and vapourised me with its breath.
However never having seen a dragon, in the flesh as it were I might change my mind .
the Fool
23:21 / 17.07.02
I think I'd be more scared by shuggoths personally, but given a choice of dragon vs spider, I'd say spider on the scary front. Dragon on the all out fucking dangerous front. Godzilla wasn't really scary but he still trashed tokyo (fat lot of good the Ninja's did stopping that one!).
gentleman loser
00:26 / 18.07.02
Dragons? Not scary. Giant Spiders? Nah.

Yellowjackets. Far scarier than any fictional movie monster.

Anyone whose stepped on a nest as I have, knows exactly what I mean.
gentleman loser
00:31 / 18.07.02
Oh and uh, cockroaches. Cockroaches totally creep me out, not in the giant mutant Mimic sense, but the flesh eating horde of normal sized ones sense.

Let's hope that stays fictional.
The Monkey
01:33 / 18.07.02
I put my vote in for anything that crawls/burrows into my body and starts eating my brain.
The Monkey
01:33 / 18.07.02
You manatees.
01:59 / 18.07.02

Bwa ha ha...
05:46 / 18.07.02
See, if my Little Girls' Book of Nasty Nature was correct, all spiders are poisonous, it is simply that most spiders are too small for their [venom dripping] fangs to pierce human flesh. Now, big fuck off spiders like the ones in that film could not only pierce human flesh, but could probably punch a hole right through you... so I'll go with spiders...
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:20 / 18.07.02
I put my vote in for anything that crawls/burrows into my body and starts eating my brain. You manatees.

I see that hurting so much more than spiders, but being a lot funnier.

Just look at that evil gleam in it's eye...
18:46 / 18.07.02
The Monkey: I put my vote in for anything that crawls/burrows into my body and starts eating my brain.

I have some pork here, Monkey. Would you like some pork?
18:55 / 18.07.02
There's something deeply disturbing about a Duck Billed Platypus. Those furry, poisonous, egg laying mammals send shivers up my spine.

(And this site is just wrong. Wrong I tell you.)
20:44 / 18.07.02
The thing is i've had towrite about/edit someonelse writing about most of these creatures, sometimes even on a project called "monsters"...

My monster? Whichever one i'm working on at the moment - The common (European) Eel Anguilla anguilla is currently high on my monster list
20:46 / 18.07.02
oh and links for people wanting to track down monsters for fish and for dinosaurs.
21:02 / 18.07.02
The "oro" fish would be in the small, burrowing, creepy camp, only possibly worse than brain worms. Definitely worse than spiders.

But here's a question: does Godzilla count as a dragon? Because the first movie is pretty scary, when it's late enough at night.
10:29 / 19.07.02
That ickle fish that swims up your urethra. ug.
Now I'm imagining big ones. Oh dear.

On the other hand, the worst nightmare I've had in ages was after watching the Shipman dramatization in ITV.

Wake in pool of sweat -
"James Bolam is coming to get me!!!"
05:49 / 21.07.02
That ad in the sidebar of the worm story makes it seem, if you are only half paying attention, that the woman in question had Barbara Walters removed from her brain. Now the thought of that is going to have me waking in a cold sweat for many a night, i can tell you
17:06 / 08.03.04
My crass-ass mom is definitely THE MOST SCARY THING EVER!
She always tells me to clean, and when I say "Go to hell you crazy mother-fuckin' bitch" she chases me with sharp things or hard things. I just don't know why. One time she pinned me to a chouch and stabbed me with a cross to "PURIFY" me. I usually spend the night in the closet to escape her evilness.
17:26 / 08.03.04
You don't know true fear til you've fought off a horde of German Internet Cannibals...

So's I guess I don't know true fear. But spiders don't scare me. Not even big ones.

Lampreys and hagfish, however......eeeeeeeeeee.......
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