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Oddtodd and Osama

Fist Fun
15:48 / 10.11.01
I suppose most people will have seen the meme of the moment at At the end of the animation a little sign comes up saying "Osama Bin laden sucks" or something similar.
Do you think this is appropriate? What do you feel about political commentary like this cropping up in completely unrelated environments? Is it justified, positive, negative?
gentleman loser
16:34 / 10.11.01
To me, it's a rather transparent new form of political correctness, since most people seem terrified to be called "unpatriotic" these days.

It's a free speech issue as far as I'm concerned. If the guy wants to stick in a little editorializing commentary in his work, that's his business. It's not going to impress me and I find it to be completely tired at this point, like all of the corporate "KEEP AMERICA GOING - GO BUY OUR CONSUMER SHIT" propaganda that we're inundated with every ten seconds. . .
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