Oh yeah, I loved it. For once, a voiceover that works; a simply played script that worked; and characters that worked. It was a whole working-fest.
It also has this marvellous lure of cards. You either have it or you don't. But for me, watching the dextrous hands of a dealer, flicking through cards on a table, the act of dealing, those chips... it's almost fetishistic. I just love cards. Poker, mainly, now, but all sorts of card games. They're just wonderful. And I see them, and I snap out of it when I realise how bad gambling really is.
But yeah. It's nicely done, pleasant to look at - and I have a vague recollection that I might have loved the score but can't remember. But it was certainly a cracking movie.
Ah yes. I found my comments on it from a while back - circularity came up in them - the roulette wheel, everything coming around in the end. It's best described as "compulsive" - exactly what a gambling film should be... |