Okay, I 'll disclose my innards. I am with HunterWolf and Doubting Thomas on this. For me its either all of it shameless fakery, improved fakery, better and poorer fakery, or either learning, audacity, and acting, doing it, and since NLP was brought to the tapestry, as much as I learned from it (which for me is about a 15% of what is going on), I reject their fancy marketing easy-to-remember phrases such as this nanny dull crap: "fake it till it's real". I remember reading that Erickson said something like this to Bandler at some point of the interviews they had, near the end of one of THE nlp books (Frogs into Princess), and actually Erickson use the verb "pretend", but the single phrase excissed from its context is as useless as can without an opener.
I've been through high school and university, I am called a "professional", and I have no problem to say that I am a complete, big, proficient and quite unnoticable faker, I know what I can do and what I have to learn, I am nothing of what people infer I am from any title (in fact titles do not say what you are, they just mention you have been granted with them), and of course I exploit them, I exploit what people infer I am, just as I also exploit and am exploited by what other people is faking they are. Now, if they do not think they are faking that's their own problem and delusion.
As ol' as the pyramids are, I think its learn about what you want to do, do it with audacity, check if its what you wanted, learn more, and do it again till you make it happen. Get some people to know that you are learning something, and others to know you already know it (yes, cheat). Interact with both groups separately, but do not get into the delusional thinking you implanted in the second group, and you'll be able to keep your sense of humor. And if you fake a spirit or power animal contact, at least fake it to your best, get the totems, the ritual and the altar, so you have guaranteed that some of it will happen, and in the worst case either the spirit or the mind-projection will be pleased. |