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Star trek - the motion picture

yawn - thing's buddy
22:07 / 14.07.02
top film.

okay - it's lame in several areas but....

the story is great - the bald babe is beautiful (I know she's dead by the way) and the enterprise looks very cool.

yeah - the story: voyager falls into a black hole, is dumped in a cloud of logical nano-machines who interpret voyager's code of 'collect information and return to creator' - smart. s'all good.

even better - when bald babe is vapourised, her 'carbon unit' is used to provide a template for a communication device which the nano-swarm builds in order to talk with kirk unit etc. And surprise, surprise, not only does the nano-swarm rebuild the gorgeous nae-haired bint to physical exactitude, it also models her consciousness and memory too - thus the blad drone has feelings.

remind any one of Moore's Swampy origin?

well placed timewise for a rip off too...
23:07 / 14.07.02
The film owes a vast amount of it's visual impact to 2001 - not that this is a bad thing, because that sheer sense of scale and spatial disorientation is lacking from a lot of modern sci-fi. I really like the graceful production design of a lot of the models in Star Trek: the shots of the Enterprise flying over V-Ger are incredible, and make me wish I'd seen the movie in the cinema. It's also used to great effect in the final battle of The Wrath of Khan - remember the two ships, flying blind, trying to search each other out, flying within meters of each other at crazy angles. It's one of the main problems with all the movies since the Next Gen cast took over - no sense of cinema, no startling images, all dull talk between shite "characters."

This is making me remember all my fave sad fanboy moments. I just love the close of The Search for Spock, the way the destruction of the original Enterprise is captured, the saucer section blowing to smithereens, the ship flung headlong into the planet's gravity, while the crew watch it descend like a shooting star (I'm pathetic: I still cry everytime, even at the corny "Good God, Bones, what have I done," "What you had to, Jim. What you always do. Turned death into a fighting chance to live." Oh, and: "You Klingon bastards, you killed my son. You Klingon bastards, you killed my son," with the backwards stagger where Kirk, the fucking Shat Himself, misses his command chair and collapses to the floor, almost broken. But fuck no, no, they'll never truly break the Shat). I love the way that, in the apocalyptic destruction of Genesis, Nimoy sidesteps the action for the briefest second to show us the beauty of the last sunset on the dying world. And the shots of the Bird of Prey coming into land on Vulcan easily equal (if not surpass) the grandeur of the cloud city in The Empire Strikes Back.

The original cast Trek movies rock in every respect (apart from the one where they meet God, which is awful beyond belief). Yeah, I know I'm a hopeless fanboy, and I know they're totally flawed, but give me Kirk bluffing and lying and cheating his way through the galaxy any day. The crime of the Star Trek franchise is that it's incredibly unlikely that these films will be equalled by any future Trek movies: the only crew worth space on a cinema screen is Deep Space Nine's (the best actors and characters of any Trek series, period, and that series is so bogged down with continuity and bloody-mindedness that it'll never get any viewers. I hope to my sweet Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ that we never see Janeway, Paris and Kim poncing their way across celluloid, the daft, useless pitiful pricks that they are.

(Although I have seen the trailer to Star Trek: Nemesis, and it actually looks pretty damn good. I hope it is. I hope the Next Gen crew get at least one good movie. If one out of every four features is good it'll already have surpassed the success ratio of the series's decent episodes).
23:17 / 14.07.02
God help me, I'm the biggest geek here!
23:45 / 14.07.02
"...the fucking Shat Himself..."
"...fucking Shat Himself..."

What a horrible, horrible nick-name.
23:48 / 14.07.02
I'm aware that it isn't truly a Barbelith 'Trek' thread until I've dissed it, so...

... I suspect it's typical in being more 'motion' than 'picture'...
Spatula Clarke
00:24 / 15.07.02
exp> I've only seen it the once, but I remember quite enjoying the NG movie that had the Borg in it, and what with my hatred for everything else NG that's saying something.
06:12 / 15.07.02
I thought it was foul. Dumb, dumb premise. The Borg go back in time to kill Sarah Connor before Jonathon Archer can be born. It stank to high heaven.
06:14 / 15.07.02
well someone's got to mention the slashy parts of the film, so here goes:

the bit where bones is press ganged aboard, grumbling, and kirk says in almost a passionate whisper, "i need you, bones. i need you - badly!". this pales in comparison with the scene where spock turns up out of the blue. as he walks onto the bridge there's a shot of kirk's face - the love of his life has returned, no doubt about it.
yawn - thing's buddy
09:19 / 15.07.02
oh well, never mind.....
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:47 / 15.07.02
'First Contact' rocks because some of the crew finally get to have emotions. And Data's emotion chip actually works to the advantage of the story rather than 'Generations' where it sucks big chunks. The scene in the briefing room where Picard and Foxy Brown talk Moby Dick, it wouldn't have worked if it had been any other actor than Pat Stewart.
'Insurrection' was crap though. That joystick to steer the Enterprise, why in fuck?! The trailer was exciting because you thought the crew were going to break away from the Federation a la Babylon 5 (or a la Star Treks III, IV, V and VI), but no. They should have cut waaaaay back on the special effects. It worked quite well as a 'small' movie after 'First Contact', they should have been more cheap with the effects.
Of the old crew, only 'The Undiscovered Country' was any good, for the meditations on growing old (not that Spock has to worry much). And it's nice to see that after Spock has just mentally raped a woman he can take time to chat with Kirk about how they're old and creaky.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
12:25 / 15.07.02
I'm sorry, I saw the first ST movie in the theater, and it was so boring that I wished I would have brought the book. Endless scens of the cloud, and so much nothing going on. I think it was the first movie made for the theater audience to applaud, whenever a cast member would show on the screen, there would be an endless pause before they said anything...

And the unvieling of the Enterprise was endless.

Then, ST2 came out 3 years later and was better than the TV series had ever been. A GREAT space battle, tons of good character work and the fate of everything at stake.

ST4 was a great movie as well, just because of the interaction with SF characters in the modern world without the pretentions ST usually had in their time travel stories.

The Next Gen movies have all felt like extra long episodes, and the first one, where they fought...a ribbon, was just too many kinds of silly.

Now if they did a good DS9 movie that delved into Bajoran politics, THAT I'd pay money to see...oh hell, I go see them all anyway because I'm such a damn geek. But I'll wait on a Voyager movie until they show it on a Friday night on UPN.
19:00 / 15.07.02
Star Trek: TMP is probably a very good movie. But I've fallen asleep all eight times I've tried to watch it, so I don't know...
Margin Walker
20:14 / 15.07.02
I didn't really care for any of the Star Trek films. But then I've never been big on James Bond movies either. (shrugs)

yawn - thing's buddy
10:26 / 16.07.02
anyone care to comment on the swmpy origin lin I've unearthed, mudddafukkas?
18:09 / 16.07.02
Expressionless, you are not alone in your love and enthusiasm for all the moments you listed in the original TREK movies. I read your post and I feel the EXACT same way about so many of the moments you listed, it's spooky. I thought FIRST CONTACT was fun, entertaining. So you're not the biggest geek here, there's someone here just as big a geek as you -- namely, me!
yawn - thing's buddy
14:19 / 17.07.02
Moore plundered this film on another level too. The lrelentless progression of the dark blue/black cloud, the way it absorbed and destroyed everything in it's path - reminded me a lot of Moore's take on American Gothic and the big 'beyond evil' entity thing
yawn - thing's buddy
14:44 / 23.12.06
just seen it again today.

I too was bored silly when I saw it first, in the cinema, aged 7.5.

but once again, as an adult, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It has a really beautiful love story at its heart - I'm right about the moore swampy origin rip off (okay, rip off is harsh - but it can't not have provided inspiration) - and the visual effects are still awesome.

It is the BEST of all the star trek movies. much closer to the orginal series than its action-orientated sequels.

a clever, compassionate, respectful movie.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:04 / 23.12.06
Remind me again, is it the odd or even numbered Star Trek films that are supposed to suck? Because 1 and 4 are awful, but 2 and 7 are okay...
The Strobe
15:53 / 23.12.06
WHAT? IV is great.

And I'm a big fan of III. Didn't care much for V, which was poo, and the only good Next-Gen one is First Contact.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
16:21 / 23.12.06
I think the first four are all great, personally. I love the bits in IV where Spock is in 1990 L.A. and he has to wear a cap to cover his Vulcan ears. That's a fun movie.

I'll watch any Trek movie, though. I even like Generations, God help me.
yawn - thing's buddy
18:59 / 23.12.06
this thread is about the FIRST movie you krunts!

Spyder Todd 2008
19:45 / 23.12.06
I'll watch any Trek movie, though. I even like Generations, God help me.

I like parts of Generations, but then again Malcolm McDowell can do no wrong.

As to the subject at hand: Hmm. Star Trek I. That’s a tricky one. Well, I’ll say this for it, it certainly was the most “science fictiony” of the Trek films, which was good. It’s very intelligent and has a lot of cool ideas going for it, and I have to love it for the fact that it premiered my favorite space ship design of anything ever (I don’t care what anyone says. The movie version of the Enterprise is simply a beautiful design. The original series Enterprise gets all the press, but the movie re-fit is way better).

However. The movie spends so much time showing us just how much money they’ve wasted on special effects and models that it’s unbearable. Five-minute-long establishing shots of V’Ger. Camera pans around the entire Enterprise thrice over. Dramatic….. pauses….. And what the hell was with that wormhole thing in the middle of the film? The Enterprise takes off and- “Shit! Engine problems! I thought Scotty was supposed to be good at this shit! Now we’re going to hit that meteor!” It feels like they threw that in there just to… actually, I have no idea why they threw that in there. It’s dumb.

Honestly, I think this movie would be a lot more watchable for me with a good, proper editing. And don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of three hour movies. If there’s three hours worth of story. Which there totally isn’t in Star Trek I.
yawn - thing's buddy
21:23 / 23.12.06
H3ct0r L1m4
21:24 / 23.12.06
I'm with yawn and seth, TMP is great. saw it on tv when i was a kid. lots of classic, memorable scenes.

in its worry about the sense of wonder that you guys pointed earlier [MUCH earlier in some cases, hehe]. very 70s New Age-y in a way. it's indeed heavily influenced by 2001 and other cosmic suff. and the V'ger being ultimately about Humanity achievements.

it features what i think are the coolest bridge and uniform designs ST has ever had. this page has some nice info on the movie, including the aforementioned designs, teaser poster with ths small actors pics - just like they used to do with disaster movies - and a storyboard for the proposed saucer separation scene at the end.
H3ct0r L1m4
21:26 / 23.12.06
damn, i need to watch it again; it's been a while.
00:12 / 24.12.06
I like the idea of TMP, and my memories of it are always fond, but I always find it a little anaemic whenever I end up watching the thing. I remember an interview with Shat on Swap Shop in 1979, in which he mentions a deleted scene where Kirk throws a full blown tantrum in front of Admiral Nogura, demanding that he take command of the Enterprise. I can't believe they sacrificed stuff like that for shots of the Enterprise crew gaping at the viewscreen.
yawn - thing's buddy
15:27 / 24.12.06
man, i'm seriously unfresh these days - I was sure I started this thread to discuss TMP only, but the thread summary does indeed say it's all the movies which are up for discussion.

apologies for (jokingly) chastising those who I thought were straying from the thread topic.
00:13 / 02.01.07
ST1 was slow spectacle that aimed for profoundness.
ST2 was a gut-level poetic action-revenge piece.
ST3 was a competent continuation of loose-ends in ST2.
ST4 was a light-hearted adventure-comedy.
ST5 was a travesty, the dark side of the coin of letting actors direct themselves.
ST6 was a political action piece that bridged the classic ST to the newer versions.
I've lost track of all the Next Generation movies as they weren't distinct enough to be memorable.
Going back to the classic TV series shows you that they weren't all that good in spite of achieving legendary status.
Wonder if they'll reunite to make another classic ST movie, even with Scotty dead. If Indiana Jones can be resurrected almost 20 years from the last outing... but ST just doesn't make that kind of money...
09:15 / 02.01.07
Both Jimmy Doohan and DeForest Kelley are dead. The former can be just about done without for a reunion cast, but the latter is irreplaceable.

I'm wondering why they haven't pulled Leonard Nimoy out of the bag for a TNG Trek movie. It's established that Spock is still alive by that time and it would make a lot of financial sense.
jentacular dreams
16:02 / 03.01.07
The refit is a funny thing, given that almost nothing of the original ship seems to remain.

I did like the transported malfunction which killed the science officer - the manefestation of every fear characters have previously expressed regarding the technology. And much a more likely outcome than the character splitting Kirk suffered.
H3ct0r L1m4
01:56 / 05.01.07
yeah, that was great! she was pregnant, wasn't she?

I remember Sulu poking the remains with a fork in the MAD magazine parody...
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