I guess the Doop language is still the same after all. It just looks a little different from what's shown on the link above (and from panel to panel, apparently). I, of course, realized this after I went through and translated what I thought was the new Doop language on my own. So here's the translation for this issue, anyway:
p. 16, panel 4: "As long as he don't corkscrew me."
p. 17, panel 6: "That sounds like an ice cream."
p. 17, panel 9: "Do you really want to know?"
p. 24, panel 5: "Cheese."
p. 30, panel 3: "Hoo-boy. I need a raise."
letters page: "Got a problem with me?"
So. Guy seems to know what went on w/Doop and Corkscrew, or he at least has a pretty good idea. And Doop doesn't seem quite so evil now, but I'm less sure of how to take the whole Code X thing. And, uh...Doopspeak doesn't seem nearly as profound when you actually translate it...
And I agree, gridley. Easily my least favorite issue of the saga thus far, and I'm not sure why. It seemed...angry or something. |