from this disinfo article:
quote:And then comes the US government's stepped-up assault to capture the hearts and minds of citizens at home and governments abroad. Much has already been made of the $3,500 per day contract given to the Rendon Group, a public-relations firm now charged with advising the US military on improving "public diplomacy" (i.e. propaganda) and countering opposition messages. The Pentagon's purchase of all rights to Ikonos satellite pictures of Afghanistan, pictures detailing massive civilian casualties, is another convenient way of keeping unpleasant realities away from the suggestible masses; the recent appointment of "The Queen of Madison Avenue" Charlotte Beers to Under-Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs is similarly unsettling. From a prominent Texan oil family, Beers went on to chair two major advertising companies and her current assignment is no less than rebranding the United States. According to Colin Powell, not only is Beers "fluent with this sort of thing, but she is from the advertising business. I wanted one of the world's greatest advertising experts, because what are we doing? We're selling. We're selling a product. That product we are selling is democracy. It's the free enterprise system, the American value system." If it's good enough for Coke and deodorants, it's good enough for the US government. |