This one's for Riz:
Village Voice: The Dope on Dope
One user, a 36-year-old Manhattanite, reports an intriguing change in the dope available recently. It's "dark brown" and "has a vinegary smell," unlike the "generally light beige or off-white" Colombian powder he is used to. The new kind reminds him of the Iranian stuff he used to buy when he started using 20 years ago. "I wonder why all of a sudden we're getting this stuff, and if it's from that part of the world," he says.
When prices rise, the size of a bag stays the same, but "what's in the bag is going to change," says Curtis. The purity of the heroin, at record highs right now—the DEA's Gagne reports seizing amounts as pure as 95 percent compared to levels in the teens and twenties a decade ago—would suffer. "There's more of a chance of poisoning or getting weird cuts," says the Manhattan user.
No mention of using heroin as a conduit for spores or disease in the article, but...hmmm... 
[ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: Ierne ] |