Point 1- thought it'd be interesting, as per Tom's suggestion in the Conversation, to resurrect some old threads and look at them in the light of recent events.
Point 2- Yeah, there's tons of threads on Iraq back there, but given the limitations of the search function, this was the best I could come up with.
OK... ja, ja, and on with the musik!
OK, so it's happened now. And the WMD evidence has failed to materialise. (Indeed, we even had Blair brushing it aside by saying- and I paraphrase- "oh well, they've probably given them to terrorists. Comme ci, comme ca.")
Depending on who you listen to, Iraq is currently anywhere between being an incubator for democracy, or a breeding ground for terrorists. Personally, I figure the truth's probably somewhere in the middle- an odious dictator is probably gone, but there's a whole load of people gathering to kill "our boys", and probably further destabilise the Middle East. Whether one outweighs the other is largely a matter of opinion, I reckon.
My opinion tends to veer towards the pessimistic... Mr Tony and Mr George have somehow managed the impossible. They've managed to give (secularist) Saddam loyalists common ground with Islamist militants. And I can't see how that could be a good thing. |