Dawn's predicted as far back as the end of season 3, 'Graduation Day', in the Dreamchat between Faith and the Buffster.
Faiths word's:
"Miles to go before the...."
"Little Miss Muffet counting down...."
This is pretty oblique stuff, but s'obviously significant. For a start Faith refers to these weird, cryptic meanderings as "all this new stuff..." (Buffy dream sequences always contain precognitive shit). The first 'prediction' is pretty in yer face - s'just waiting for future events to pre-empt the final word of her incomplete sentence, but the second one is stranger and more interesting. Get this: "Little Miss Muffet..."; well, in 'The Real Me', Dawn's first proper ep, the mad bloke that accosts her actually says:
"I know you....curds and whey..."
The fact that Faith lumps the cryptic "Miss Muffet.." stuff alongside the "Miles to go.." stuff suggests that this is more than just a coincidence. Oh, and there's also the fact that in the two dream sequences after this Dawn's referred to as "Little Sis" (Faith again) and by name (Tara).
Nice. See! They do pay attention to the little details!
Oh, and Dracula reiterates dream-Tara's predictions (at the end of Season 4) re Buffy's future and origins:
"You still have no idea, do you? What you are...what you'll become..."
Roll on 7.
Had no idea where to plonk these boring thoughts, but here they are anyway. |