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Anal Buffy Observations

The Natural Way
08:51 / 05.07.02
Dawn's predicted as far back as the end of season 3, 'Graduation Day', in the Dreamchat between Faith and the Buffster.

Faiths word's:

"Miles to go before the...."


"Little Miss Muffet counting down...."

This is pretty oblique stuff, but s'obviously significant. For a start Faith refers to these weird, cryptic meanderings as "all this new stuff..." (Buffy dream sequences always contain precognitive shit). The first 'prediction' is pretty in yer face - s'just waiting for future events to pre-empt the final word of her incomplete sentence, but the second one is stranger and more interesting. Get this: "Little Miss Muffet..."; well, in 'The Real Me', Dawn's first proper ep, the mad bloke that accosts her actually says:

"I know you....curds and whey..."

The fact that Faith lumps the cryptic "Miss Muffet.." stuff alongside the "Miles to go.." stuff suggests that this is more than just a coincidence. Oh, and there's also the fact that in the two dream sequences after this Dawn's referred to as "Little Sis" (Faith again) and by name (Tara).

Nice. See! They do pay attention to the little details!

Oh, and Dracula reiterates dream-Tara's predictions (at the end of Season 4) re Buffy's future and origins:

"You still have no idea, do you? What you are...what you'll become..."

Roll on 7.

Had no idea where to plonk these boring thoughts, but here they are anyway.
11:17 / 05.07.02
But it's not incomplete, is it? She says "Little Miss Muffet counting down from 730", which references 730 days (2 years) between the end of series 3 and Buffy's death at the end of series 5.
11:39 / 05.07.02
Although someone did mention (pre-board reboot, though of course I can't remember who) that one of those years was a leap year, so two years would've been 731.
12:04 / 05.07.02
Ah, but because the final three episodes of Series 5 take place in the course of two days and two nights, whereas the final three episodes of series...oh, never mind. I can't keep it up.
The Natural Way
12:41 / 05.07.02
Yeah, I was wondering about the "730" thing. Yr probably right. I'll settle for her making two predictions, which is even better,

Still, the mad bloke did say "curds and whey"......

But Whedon and co. might just enjoy invoking Little Miss Muffet whenever they want things to go a bit weird and madbloke.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:17 / 05.07.02
Isn't the 'many miles' thing actually from Restless, or maybe it was just repeated there...

The only thing left explained is WHY Dawn was Little Miss Muffet as she seems to have no cennection to spiders, whey, tuffets or curds.
19:04 / 05.07.02
Yeah I noticed this when I was re-watching this season, thought 'Joss Whedon you smart bastard' .
Theres also a direct reference to 'little sister' turning up which is why they're tidying the room.
Didn't catch the curds and whey reference, damm do I like buffy and angel again.
Hmmm wonder when the cheese guy will make a re-appearance to mess with our heads and I'd love it if they did a return to the black lodge thing to sort out Willow.
The Natural Way
21:26 / 05.07.02
No, "be back before Dawn" is from Restless.

Faith says, in grad day, "Miles to go...."

Trust me. I own the box-sets. I checked before posting.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
12:37 / 06.07.02
and here i thought the thread title referred to some terrible slash site..
The Natural Way
15:20 / 06.07.02
And you got all excited, didn't you?
The Natural Way
07:39 / 11.11.02
Oh, and it seems from interviews with Joss Whedon (on my special Season 5 DVD [BOOOOOOM!] boxset that I was RIGHT about the whole "Little Miss Muffet" thing. The mad bloke spouting the "curds and whey" stuff IS a nod to Faith predicting Dawn's arrival. AND that "counting down from 730" business (or whatever it is) IS intended to represent the amount of days until she appears in the buffyverse.

I win.
Rev. Orr
08:55 / 11.11.02
Thus proving that the retcon is not solely the preserve of the amateur.
The Natural Way
09:03 / 11.11.02
Or that retcon isn't retcon at all.
The Natural Way
09:08 / 11.11.02
And that, y'know, the amateur might notice something because it's actually there and the creators did think of it originally.

...Oh, sorry, I forgot this is barbelith. Yes, yr right, THEY'RE ALL LYING.
Chubby P
10:45 / 14.11.02
Ah, Anal Buffy Observations. I'm good at these! Well 5 minutes into the first episode of season 1 we get a lovely shot of Buffys arse and I've avidly watched all 6 seasons and counted no less than 2374 gratuitous arse shots.
16:24 / 14.11.02
damn few shots of her actual anus though. I can only remember two. The one where the Watcher's council makes her undergo some sort of rectal exam. And of course the episode where she and Xander eat the mysterious pot of mummy beans.
16:54 / 14.11.02
Would anyone like to Google for "anal buffy observations" and tell us what comes top of the list? Tell us, not show us.

I would, but I'm at work.
Spatula Clarke
17:27 / 14.11.02
Can anyone give me a good reason why S6 is transmitting on BBC2 in widescreen, but the videos are all - with the exception of the musical episode - pan and scan? 'Cause that's a bit annoying.
23:16 / 14.11.02
Actually, the google search reveals that the top matches are... anal observations by Buffy fans. How disappointing. I was looking forward to some primo filth. The net has failed me once again.

I've mailed the top link to let them know their privileged position.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
04:54 / 15.11.02
I recall reading that Joss dosen't like the widescreen effect on Buffy and dosen't actually use the space for anything. Still irritating.

What is more irritating is the you UK bastards have up through season 5 when season 3 isn't even out in the states.
Chubby P
08:44 / 15.11.02
Whats annoying for us Brits is that if you look at the DVD prices on then the UK versions are £59.99 for a whole season where as the US versions are £29.99! How can they justify doubling the price?
Spatula Clarke
10:51 / 15.11.02
The usual trick that's employed is a more or less direct dollarsounds conversion, so $29 becomes £29.
Spatula Clarke
10:52 / 15.11.02
Oops. $59 becomes £59.
16:57 / 15.11.02
Hmm... Buffy's Anal Adventures

You find the most interesting things when you omit the "observations" part of that search, I must say.
17:01 / 15.11.02
And then there's Buffy the Vampire Layer.

Ok, I'm done. No more google for me today
Spatula Clarke
18:13 / 15.11.02
.. fucken smileys...
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