Here's my grokage in a nutshell:
Kabbalah (in it's modern form) is generally thought to have been developed around the 12th century, though some suggest it came about around the 8th, while others maintain that it is far older, dating around 1 C.E. or even further back in the life of Melchizedic. The term "Kabbalah" (this is but one spelling) refers to a Hebrew system of knowledge used to interpret the Torah. The Sefer Yetzira and Book of Zohar are the prominent texts on the system. Judaic scholars maintain that one should live at least 40 years before even beginning to study it's teachings, though this hasn't stopped many of the non-traditional types among us.
The core of the Kabbalah is two-fold:
1) The Hebrew alphabet, it's correspondences, and it's numerical valuations
2) The glyph of the Tree of Life composed of ten Sephiroth (or Spheres), 22 Paths between the Sephiroth, and 3 layers of Godhead bounding the Tree
The Tarot is a representation of the Tree of Life, it's Spheres and it's Paths. I would recommend laying out the Tarot in the form of the tree of Life. Much understanding will ensue, especially if you use Crowley's Thoth deck.
The letters of the Hebrew alphabet each have both a meaning and a value, and one form of Kabbalistic interpretation seeks to find correspondences and deeper meanings by the numeric valuations of words and names, particularly those that occur in the old testament. It is said that the unknowable name of God lies somewhere within this Kabbalistic interpretation of the Torah (see the movie "Pi" for one take on this).
The Tree of Life is a diagram of the levels of existence/awareness, manifest by the Sephiroth, from the material plane of Malkuth (the 10the Sephiroth) moving up the Tree, via the Paths, to the Crown, Kether (the first Sephiroth). In one way it is a map of creation; in another it is a guidbook for illumination. Beyond the Crown are three levels of the Godhead - unknowable and inconceivable since they are totally beyond duality.
As a map of creation, here's the basic gist:
There is that which is beyond everything and nothing, and even beyond these concepts or any idea of a concept (think of this as the universe before the Big Bang - way before). By an act of universal will, nothing focuses to become a single point of infinite white light and creates a volume of infinite radius and no center. This is Kether, the Crown and first Sephiroth - it is barely knowable in any empirical sense because it is beyond the duality of the Thing and the Seer of the Thing: both are the same.
Yet Kether cannot know form so it divides, first into Chokma - Wisdom - then Binah - Understanding. These can be superficially regarded as Male/Female, Energy/Form, Yan/Yin, or any other fundamental dualistic interplay of opposites. But the notion is that Kether focuses the energetic forces of light, the action of creation, into Chokma, which then seeds the formative womb of Binah (also known as the sea). These three Sephirot constitue the Supernal Triad - those spheres which are wholly outside the realm of direct human experience for all but the most disciplined and ascetic individuals. As such, these are said to be "above the Abyss".
From this duality proceeds all the forms, ideas, and characteristics of the human experience of nature. Without going into each of the remaingin spheres separately (you can do that on your own...I mean, they are Mysteries after all!), there is one Sephiroth that is most notable in the descent to Malkuth (or ascent to Kether). The sixth sphere, Tipareth, is the Heart and it is the heart of the Christos, the one who holds all of creation in the highest regard of agape. It is the core of the adept's path amongst the spheres (Crowley accorded this stage with receiving the conversation with one's Holy Guardian Angel). It is the point of alligning with one's truest state in the unfolding eternity of time. However, it should be noted that one can bypass the heart and still pass thru the abyss into the supernals by other paths, but crossing the Abyss without the knowledge of Tiphareth impels oblivion and destruction. Hence, Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Whew, that's all I can muster at the moment. Too many distractions here right now.
Cheers! |