Bass is a leeetle different.
Whereas distortion/overdrive or lack thereof is basically the main defining thing in a guitar sound, with bass there are a bunch of ways to go. First: if you want a more attacking sound, use a pick rather than your fingers. you'll find that upstrokes and downstrokes make different sounds. To get it really solid and punktastic, only play downstrokes. If you want to play fingerstyle, let your right hand hang such that your fingers are more or less perpendicular to the strings and practice getting a smooth alternation between your first and second fingers. It's seriously useful to be proficient at both styles.
Then there's 'slap', where you basically hit the strings with the side of your thumb or pull them away from the body to get a hard, metallic sound. There are various tricks you can do to make this sound really fast and flash, but unfortunately you'll also sound really 80s.
In terms of amplification, it isn't gonna sound too huge until you plug it into a decent sized rig- you need something with lots of low end. I used to use a big 15" H+H speaker which was a fuckin' beast of a thing, and which I have very fond memories of. Guitar amps are probably not the best thing: you want an amp that'll stay really clean (if you want it to) at high volumes.
I could go on all day about bass- it's still a favourite instrument- but I'll restrain myself to adding two more tips. If you can get hold of a compressor, use it and experiment lots with it- it's the most useful effect for bass. Also, get your left and right hands as in-sync as you can- mistakes sound a lot clunkier on bass than they do on a 6-string. And listen to what the bass drum is doing and start from there when you're figuring out what to play.
Ok, that was three. I'm restraining myself now 
Glad you're having fun with it, Riz! |