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US Anti-Terrorism Act--FYI

Edgar Barefoot
16:37 / 27.10.01
Scary indeed. But anyone who wants to stay informed should read it. The full text, along with the text of all other legislation passed in response to 9/11 (that they're telling us about) can be foundhere. HR3162 is the big one.
Mystery Gypt
20:11 / 28.10.01
can we start making a list of scary/oppressive/fucked-up thing on this list? this would be a great thread to start up a little watchdog action for ouselves.
gentleman loser
20:27 / 28.10.01
I found this today on a weblog that shall remain nameless:

"I've read some call it a loss of freedom. I don't think so. I mean really, if you aren't doing anything wrong, immoral (yikes) or illegal, why should it matter?"

The vast majority of people with whom I've discussed this legislation have said exactly the same thing.

Americans, unfortunately, set the world standard for cluelessness.

"Wrong", "Immoral" and "Illegal" are relative terms.

In the name of full disclosure, I propose that all of the people that are so in favor of this freedom restricting legislation should be forced to submit every single piece of personal, private information in their possession for the public record.

You say you've got nothing to hide? Show us!

[ 28-10-2001: Message edited by: gentleman loser ]
Mystery Gypt
15:37 / 29.10.01
still... what are the restrictions that this bill puts on us? who would like to break this down for the board? perhaps we could even cobble together a zine article.
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