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How did Angel finsh?

Tits win
09:19 / 29.06.02
HELP ME! PLEASE! i missed the last 2 episodes of series 3 and i can't wait until they are repeated to know the outcome. i left off where the teenage Connor came through that vortex. can anyone help? i don't care about spoilers, just please tell me
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:42 / 29.06.02
Connor comes back as superassed superbrat, hates his Dad, spends an episode running around LA and getting involved with some drug dealers before beating them off with Angel. Then it turns out that Holtz is back too, only old and wrinkly. He encourages Connor to get to know Angel while he finds Janice. He then tells Angel that he's returning his son to him and he will go off where Connor will never find him, when in fact he gets Janice to kill him and make it look like Angel. Connor falls for this hook, line and sinker and after playing nice to lull Angel captures him with Janice, seal him in a coffin and dump him in the sea.
Lorne meanwhile has left to move to somewhere else to help another friend with his nightclub, and Cordelia has apparently ascended to join the Powers That Be to fight in another dimension.
And Wesley has had sex with Lilah.
14:33 / 29.06.02
And Gunn & Fred are standing around in the hotel lobby wondering where everyone has gone.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:58 / 29.06.02
and then they went into the brrom closet and made some babies and i saw one of the babies and it smiled at me.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:43 / 30.06.02
and then they fell through a portal into another world which they populated with their children and a thousand years later their time their great-great-great-great-(*15)grandchildren, spookily also called Fred and Gunn come back through a portal and nobody notices a difference. except me. because i notice these things. and the fact that Gunn is now Welsh gives it away.
17:34 / 30.06.02
What about the body switching? Everybody seems to forget the body switching.
Tits win
18:48 / 30.06.02
thanks everyone. but i can't remember who Lilah is. (STUPID!)
19:19 / 30.06.02
Lilah works at Wolfram and Hart. I can't remember her exact position in the company.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:25 / 01.07.02
Bitch in Charge of Special Projects (and annoying Angel)
Tits win
19:07 / 02.07.02
der. what an idiot. thanks. i've got a cold at the moment and it's blocking my super powers a bit.
20:18 / 02.07.02
seriously though that bit with cordelia on the road was so rubbish
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:53 / 03.07.02
'Specially as in the distance you could see traffic still moving on the bridge which meant it was just on that road that time was frozen which meant there would be huge pile-ups on the entrance and exit ramps...
17:55 / 03.07.02
Yeah, but on the plus side those scenes had Skip, who rules.
20:29 / 03.07.02
That scene would have been even better if Skip had said "Hey! I can see up your dress!"
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