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Oh no, not another ninjas vs pirates thread!


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Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:29 / 12.07.03

(from Defective Yeti)
rizla mission
09:20 / 12.07.03
Well they're not going to sell many of those..

No 'A'!

What self-respecting pirate would hit an internet messageboard going "RRRR!"?
Mourne Kransky
12:09 / 12.07.03
Highwayman = Pirate without a parrot

qua qua da diddley qua qua da diddley
qua qua da diddley qua qua da diddley

(clearly Arrrh in highwayman dialect)

The dandy highwayman:

Alas, poor Adam
Ellis says:
12:03 / 13.07.03
It turns out I am a ninja.
I know this because it says so on my business card.
My boss has a weird sense of humour.
The Fifth Columnist
00:19 / 15.07.03
As a newbie Barbeloid, I have a short question, if I may...

What the HELL is all this "ninja vs. pirate" noise?

I have an idea this is some Internet in-joke, some sort of "All your base are belong to us" kinda thing -- but I just heard about that one last year! (shame, shame)

Could someone tell me, in 500 words or less, exactly how this got started? Is this one of those "There's only two types of people in the world..." things? Those who wish they were pirates and those who wish they were ninjas? Is that it?

If so....well, I cast my vote for "ninja" , or should I say:Ultralove Ninja... heeeeell yeah.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
09:32 / 15.07.03
This debate has now spilled over into my private life. Stop the madness.

Is it too late to register as a pirate?
15:31 / 15.07.03
What the HELL is all this "ninja vs. pirate" noise?

the answers ye seek be found here, matey. arrgh!

i, too, once believed in the tales of that thar website, but i have since left the soft life of the ninja to seek my fortune aboard a fast ship with a hardy crew! arrgh!
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:43 / 15.07.03
It's never too late.
23:46 / 16.07.03
It's always too late for pirates.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:46 / 17.07.03
Spoken like a true fool ninja.
01:42 / 17.07.03
Arr! Too late, ye scurvy ninja!
12:59 / 03.10.03
Things we have learned (I like Sara’s story the best – Kyle’s is good too!)
rizla mission
13:19 / 03.10.03
That's the greatest thing I've seen all week. I'll file it next to that kindergarten Strokes review.

Jordan's Story:

I learned about pirates.

Yellow bellied land lubbers.


Concise and to the point.

It's surprisingly easy to tell which side each of those kids is destined to take up in the pirate/ninja struggle..
13:35 / 03.10.03
I had always considered myself a true pure ninja.
But when I was at the airpost last month, I found myself gazing for an hour at the cutest pirate-girl you have ever seen. Cut t-shirt, low-slung 3/4 cargo pants, and whisps of hair protruding from a bandana. It was so Romeo and Juliet.
13:48 / 03.10.03
I didn't think there was any particular reason why pirates and ninjas couldn't come together like two ships bobbing in the night. Arr. It's just that ninjas always seemed a little, well, repressed. I mean us pirates, we're anybody's... If you'd have just plied her with enough rum...
14:49 / 03.10.03
Yeah, picture, if you will, that great scene from "Pirates of the Caribbean" where Captain Jack Sparrow, Withnail-like, cries "But why's the rum gone?" And how cool it was?

Now try to imagine a ninja doing the same with sake. It'd just look shit, really, wouldn't it?
00:38 / 04.10.03
Cass: repressed?
I think the word you are looking for is dignified.
Saint Keggers
00:44 / 04.10.03
Cranes are dignified. Ninja are victorian english butler levels of repressed.
01:16 / 04.10.03
I don't know how this has come up again, but vote here
The Falcon
14:37 / 04.10.03
I'm rather more interested in the Jews or Muslims game these days, being - by birth - neither.

We should totally play on the basis of comparative theology. It'll be like a learning game.
14:50 / 04.10.03
I don't know why this argument still exists...

I mean, c'mon, people, it's totally obvious that pirates can kick shit out of ninjas any time.

You're just fooling yourselves, pajamakids.
00:27 / 05.10.03
Luckily for us, we're intelligent enough to see you're wrongness.
And my pYjamas are very groovy, thankyou.

I know, through practical tests, that you are wrong. Pirate=bastard=army guy fought Sttab=Ninja(though also with a soft-spot for lady-pirates). Who wins? Ninja every time. So he tells me.

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