A thousand monkeys working at a thousand typewriters for ooo say 20 minutes would come up with a better plan of action.
Basically we should all buy electric cars, put solar panels on our roofs, plant windfarms, and watch The Iron Giant. Wasn't that the best film ever? I mean ever!
Oh, what I mean is cut down on (/end) Middle Eastern oil dependency and stop pissing around in the dessert upsetting the locals. We'd save the environment too and possibly kill most breeds of motor-sports. A complete win-win situation.
I really should be incharge.
As for Osama bin Thing, have you seen how he walks? I get the feeling his health ain't all it could be. Let the guy die in a cave with spiders crawling up his bum, he won't have anything to be angry about once I dust Stormin' Norman's footprints out of Saudi Arabia anyway.
Shame that it's more likely Bush will come up with some sort of Smart-Mole high tech weaponry, something to crawl in and destroy underground fortifications. In case you are wondering, I literally means strapping TNT to moles.
Goodnight Gracie, Gracy? Which is it? Have any of you seen the Iron Giant? There's a film, let me tell you! "Superman", gosh, brings a tear to my eye just to think about it. Ah yes, oil dependency, bad medicine. |